The fellowship is tenable for two to four years, depending on seniority before career break, and may be taken up on a full or part-time basis. It provides support that includes: the fellow's salary, as determined by the host institution with an add... more details
The Fellowship is for four years full-time. Fellowships may be taken up on a part-time employment basis with the tenure of award lengthened accordingly. The Fellowship provides an award of £250 000. These funds provide support for: the basic salary... more details
An Investigator Award provides a flexible package of funding that is driven by the requirements of the proposed research. Awards may be small or large, typically up to £3 million, and lasting up to seven years. The duration and costs you request shou... more details
Financial support, depending on the country in which research is conducted (in Germany: between 40,200.00 and 43,800.00 EUR per year). Family allowances Material, travel and book allowance Health insurance Language course ... more details
Prize money of which the sum is as of yet unknown. ... more details
Monthly grant 1,200.-- Euros; No travel costs subsidy! ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Scholarship of EUR 1000 per month to cover the cost of living; travel expenses for e.g. attending conferences or summer schools will also be covered, upon approval. No tuition fees have to be paid by these holders of scholarships. ... more details
KSOP offers an elaborated scholarship program. The KSOP scholarship amounts to 800 Euro/month for international students and 400 Euro/month for German students. KSOP offers attractive scholarships to the most promising PhD students: 18 scholarships ... more details
The Scholarships will cover up to 70% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 22.000,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exc... more details
The award of a grant depends essentially on the quality of the proposals. ... more details
Monthly grant rate 940 EUR Accident and health insurance, accommodation: If necessary, the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research (OeAD-GmbH) will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the gra... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Monthly postdoctoral stipend Travel expenses ... more details
Zuschussstipendium, Eigenmittel notwendig! • Von örtlichen Lebenshaltungskosten und Lokalgehalt abhängiges Jahresstipendium, max. 18.160.-€ • Vorabbesuch am Gastinstitut (Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten) bei Stellenzusage • Reisekostenzuschuss, abhängig... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.