Full-time student enrolled in a two year, four year, or graduate programAttending school OR permanent address in the greater Texas area (if your parents live in Texas and you grew up here, you’re eligible!)All majors are welcome; positive impact on c... more details
Recipients receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to go towards tuition, books, fees, or housing. ... more details
Finalist The 5 finalists will be chosen based on how they best present their innovative e-commerce solution. All 5 finalists will receive an e-certificate and USD $100 grant each. Winner iPrice will judge and determine a single winner, where he/she w... more details
The scholarship funds awarded are to be used for tuition and/or books only. Once a winner is selected, a check will be written to the recipient’s school of choice and credited for academic costs. The scholarship is non-renewable. BuyBackWorld.com wil... more details
Jnb Design provides $1000 scholarship under his scholarship Program 2017/2018. We are Awarding 10 Students this Scholarship. ... more details
This $5,000 easy scholarship is open to people ages 13 to 25. You must also live in the U.S. or Canada or have U.S or Canadian citizenship. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Make sure you follow these guidelines 1. Submit your application before 25th Oct. to participate in the program. 2. Make sure to mention your personal accomplishments in your essay. 3. All information you are providing must be genuine and 100% accura... more details
$1,500 scholarship, sent directly to the school's financial aid department ... more details
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, void where prohibited. All contest answers must be submitted before the clock strikes 2018. A winner will be chosen at random on January 1st, 2018. Winners must be at least 17 years of age, located in the United States, and mus... more details
Eligibility To be eligible for the Feldco Windows, Siding & Doors Scholarship, you must be: A legal U.S. residentA current undergraduate college student or a current high school student that will be enrolled in a college/university in 2017 Proof ... more details
One award worth $1,000 will be awarded under this A-1 Auto Transport Scholarship . Scholarship will be sent directly to the school / University / College's financial aid office. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
High-school Seniors attending school in America ... more details
The annual scholarship award is for students who are currently enrolled as a high school or college/university student within the United States or Canada. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.