Tuition fees at the relevant UK/EU or international rate. There are no additional allowances for maintenance, travel or research costs. ... more details
The award will be for three years, subject to satisfactory progress, at the following rates: European Union candidates: standard EU tuition fee plus maintenance fee of £14,500 per year Non-European Union candidates: standard non-EU tuition fee plus ... more details
These MSc studentships with a value of up to £7,000 per annum, will be payable in monthly instalments. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates. Awardees are responsible for paying their tuition fees, which are not covered as part of thi... more details
Scholarships will cover tuition fees, living and travel expenses. ... more details
255 scholarships are available. Each award is worth £3,000 for one year payable to the student’s tuition fee account. ... more details
These awards cover one year’s tuition fees at UK/EU rates for full-time applicants, or two years part-time. For the Philosophy Muirhead scholarship only, which is advertised with these awards, a small maintenance grant will also be offered. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Each scholarship will have a value of £5,000 per annum and will be deducted from your tuition fees and will be tenable for three years. These awards cannot be held concurrently with fully-funded scholarships such as a Dorothy Hodgkins Postgraduate Aw... more details
Each scholarship covers 50% of the annual undergraduate tuition fee. ... more details
The doctoral scholarship will cover UK/EU fees at Research Council rates. International fees will be covered in part or in full, depending on the case, but will be covered at least up to UK/EU levels. The scholarship also includes a maintenance grant... more details
The studentship covers the full cost of UK tuition fees, plus a tax free stipend of £14,296 p.a. There will also be additional funds available for research expenses. ... more details
The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend. The bursary will be limited to a maximum of £14,198 p.a. dependent upon the applicant's financial circumstances. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
A challenging and friendly working environment Salary ranging from pay grade 57 to 65 (NOK 486100 – 567100 per year) Favourable pension arrangements Attractive employee benefits Access to our Postdoctoral programme courses within career planning, su... more details
Awards are made as either a full scholarship (fees plus a maintenance grant) or a partial scholarship (fees plus part of the maintenance grant) but the minimum amount awarded is normally no less than 50 per cent of the overall cost (fees plus mainten... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.