The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republi... more details
The DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year for applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, to pursue development-related Masters and PhD studies. ... more details
Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgra... more details
The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented students and young researchers from developing countries. The scholarships are towards a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree programme. ... more details
To honour the life and work of President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, the INSEAD MBA Class of ’75 created the INSEAD Nelson Mandela Endowment Scholarships at their 30th Class Reunion to provide financial support for one or more African participant... more details
Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Since Syngenta strongly b... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The programme aims at strengthening and developing research relevant to capacity building and fighting poverty in programme countries. The programme provides researchers with a PhD degree with an opportunity to conduct research at Swedish universitie... more details
The objective of the scholarship program is to promote democratic, economic and social development through supporting know-how and transfer of knowledge to advanced students within areas in which Sweden is at the forefront of academic research. ... more details
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme was established by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development to enable French higher education establishments to attract top foreign students to enrol in their master’s and PhD co... more details
The Clarendon Fund is a major graduate scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford, offering around 140 new scholarships every year. Clarendon Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and potential across all degree-bearing sub... more details
With the International Training Programme, VLIR-UOS funds practical trainings of 1 to 4 months on a development oriented subject taught in English at Flemish universities and university colleges. ... more details
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VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from 54 eligible countries in Africa, Asia and Latin-America, to follow an English-taught training or master programme at a Flemish university or university college in Belgium. ... more details
The Louis Dreyfus-Weidenfeld Scholarship and Leadership Programme supports outstanding students from transition and emerging economies throughout Africa, Asia and South America to pursue a graduate degree at Oxford University. It is managed by the We... more details
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