This is a one-time grant of $1000 that gathers only for the students' tuition fee. ... more details
Must be a graduating high school senior or an undergraduate, graduate, or professional college student currently enrolled or planning to enroll at an accredited college or university. ... more details
We will award 2 winners the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700), each for the Scholarship. ... more details
The $1,000 scholarship will be paid directly to the accredited college or university account of the winning student. Student and the winning essay will be featured in Kelso Industrial Group social media accounts and website. ... more details
$500 scholarships Paid summer internships (check out what Microsoft and CIBC are saying about our student interns!) Speaking all over the world e.g. - 14 y/o Zaynah @ C2 (in front of 3,000 people) Attending world-class conferences e.g. Web Summit... more details
No other requirements other than: A well written, at-least 800 words article on internet marketing is compulsory. Write everything clearly so that people can understand your idea. Tell us about your experience at the end of the article. Which type o... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Chance to win $1000 scholarship to aid your studies. ... more details
A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to one student pursing a science-related field. *US, EMEA, Canada only ... more details
Help with the university or college fees. ... more details
The prize consists of three scholarships, each 1000€ worth and will be received by the winner from the eligible country. The winner will receive the money directly on his/her bank account within 30 days. The winners will be contacted directly via ema... more details
Applicants must have an ongoing interest in Information Security or Information Technology AuditApplicants must be currently enrolled in and returning to a full-time program of study (at least 9 credit hours per term for both undergraduate and gradua... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
To be eligible for the Overcoming Injuries Scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants may still submit an application ... more details
Be a resident of the 50 United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia. Be intending to, or currently attending, a higher educational institution. Be the age of majority in the 50 United States or 17 years or older in Canada, the United Kin... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.