4747 Scholarships and Grants in Africa

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Financing Type:

West African Centre WACWISA Masters & PhD Scholarships

 The scholarship is tenable at the University for Development Studies, School of Engineering and shall cover the following: Tuition, Research and Learning Costs The scholarship will cover the official University fees for Masters stude... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Ghana
  • $$  Varies

Cisco Global Citizen Youth Leadership Award For Global Impact Makers

The award includes a US$250,000 prize paid to the organization to which the individual contributes.... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Phenomenal Woman Scholarship for African American Female students

The Phenomenal Woman scholarship will distribute a $500 scholarship for the fall and spring semesters to one scholarship recipient and will host monthly virtual sisterhood talks for women that do not have an emotional support system. ... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Programme (CADFP) 2022-2023

A $150/day stipend Visa costs (if required) Supplemental health insurance coverage Round-trip international air travel and ground transportation costs to and from the scholar’s home to the North American airport Potential opportunities to... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) “Foundational Methods in Data Science” Training

Researchers and graduate students, working on topics relevant to modern data science, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, their mathematical theories and numerical implementations, using methods from statistics, optimization, fu... more details

  •  Course
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

Goethe-Institut Radio Art Residency for Artists from Non-German Speaking Countries

Financing of arrival and departure expenses Provision of accommodation in Weimar for 3 months A monthly fellowship of 2,300 Euros (includes material and production costs as well as costs for local transport and travelling) A broadcast in the... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

IMU Simons African Fellowships for Mathematicians from Developing Countries

Simons Foundation Website Upcoming Deadlines January 15th, 2022 for research visits between May 15th, 2022 and May 15th, 2023 (Decisions will be made by March 15th, 2022) April 15th, 2022 for research visits starting between August 1st, 202... more details

  •  Master
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Graduate Researchers Awards

The 2022 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes recognizing the work of two early-career researchers—preferably, one master’s and one PhD candidate—who receive formally nominations from the heads of delegation and nod... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Nigerian Breweries Graduate Management Development Scheme

Nigerian Breweries offers a competitive remuneration packages which include: performance driven increments and bonuses, robust medical capitation, life insurance, Onsite daycare, free monthly supply of company products, free daily lunch and happy h... more details

  •  Course
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships for Developing Countries

Scholarships of US$ 23,000 per year ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  US$ 23,000/year

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarships for Developing Countries

The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides the recipient with the following benefits: Economy class air travel between your home country and the host university at the start of your study program and immediately following the end of the scholarship peri... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Fully Funded

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Swedish Institute Management Programme for African leaders

In-depth knowledge and skills about sustainable business practices with a focus on human rights, climate and the environment, decent working conditions and anti-corruption.  Capacity and knowledge to lead change and promote sustainable b... more details

  •  Course
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

SANSA International Space Weather Camp, South Africa

Successful applicants will be fully funded to participate in the ISWC 2021. Funding will include airtime for the virtual part and transport, accommodation and meals for the second part of the Camp on condition that the applicant attended all the v... more details

  •  Course
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

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