Stipendium: Leistungen Das Solitude-Stipendium ist ein Anwesenheitsstipendium. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Gäste mindestens zwei Drittel ihres Stipendiums auf Solitude verbringen. Das Stipendium umfasst folgende Leistungen: Ein möbliertes Wohn-/A... more details
Die PraktikantInnen erhalten vom BMWF ein monatliches Stipendium von max. 600 Euro (je nach örtlichen Lebenshaltungskosten), plus Reisekostenzuschuss und Versicherung. ... more details
Sponsorship of a young scientists´ group, including the post of supervisor of the young scientists´ group according to BAT Ia/E15 TV-L, for the applicant and the personnel and material funds needed to carry out the project for usually five years. ... more details
Type A Doctoral Students 1,365 Euros (plus allowance for materials of 102 Euros) Type B Postdoctoral Students 2,000 Euros Type C Senior Scientists 2,300 Euros ... more details
The scholarships consits of travel expenses (after consultation with David Herzog Fund) and a maximum monthly sum of EURO 650,- for students and EURO 800,-- for graduates. ... more details
Co-funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Argentina and the DAAD Preparatory German course in Argentina for scholarship holders from the humanities, economics and law as well as related subjects (DAAD) Intensive German lan... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
For Thai students 1,200 Euro per month and for European students 800 Euro per month Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand will pay the scholarships to Thai partner universities. The selected students from European... more details
The scholarship is fully funded by the Government of Japan, and provides for the recipient only the following benefits: • economy class air travel between your home country and the host university at the start of your study program and immediately fo... more details
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers more than £100,000 worth of scholarships for international students each year. This includes the Global Student Scholarship wherein the recipient will be required to undertake an internship workin... more details
The University of Pavia (UNIPV), in order to promote international cooperation with the Developing Countries, offers 1 scholarship of 8.000 Euros to outstanding students from developing countries to study a Master’s Degree Programme in the field of E... more details
Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgra... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
This scholarship commemorates the progressive thinking and contribution to education of Professor Arthur Li, who has been at the forefront of education reform in Hong Kong and holds an honorary degree from UWE. The recipient of this scholarship will ... more details
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers more than £100,000 worth of scholarships for international students each year. This includes the Chancellor’s Scholarship wherein the recipient will be required to undertake an internship working ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.