For students: 1 semester (or four months, whichever comes earlier) for an amount of 8,000 euros for both students in a pair. Maximum duration for application is 1 semester. ... more details
4,800 Euros for Asian student and 3,200 Euros for Swedish students in a pair. However, in case of exchanges with Australia, Japan and Singapore, both Swedish and Asian students will receive 4,000 Euros each. ... more details
To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must: Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country, and intend to return there for a minimum of 2 years after your Chevening Award has ended Hold an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain ent... more details
Once received, Worthy and our board of industry experts will review all submissions and reward the most creative, informative, and innovative author with a $1,500 scholarship. We will feature our winner and their research findings on, as w... more details
Amount: 100% of the tuition fee (4 semesters/2 year programme) In addition to covering the full tuition fee, the Volvo Group intends to have close contact with the students during the two years of study. Support offered could include summer internsh... more details
The student who sends the most creative entry will get the chance to complete a 1-3 month paid internship in GoEuro's Berlin office. The winning student will also receive a scholarship of €2000 and the best entry will be published (with permission, o... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Full scholarships An NFP fellowship is intended to supplement the salary that you should continue to receive during the study period. The allowance is a contribution towards your costs of living, the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel, insurance an... more details
The Rhodes Scholarship covers University and College fees and a stipend for living expenses for two and possibly three years of study at the University of Oxford. Scholarship also covers travel to and from Oxford at the commencement and conclusion of... more details
The MSITT tuition fees amount to €8,000 for the whole duration of studies. All admitted students are eligible to apply for scholarships and financial aid to cover whole or part of this amount. The MBIT tuition fees amount to €9,500 for the whole dura... more details
Home/EU level fees for four years ... more details
Leiden University (in cooperation with Central European University) offers 2 full scholarships. The scholarship covers: Waiver of the application fee (only applicable for students who have been pre-selected by CEU) Full waiver of the tuition fee A m... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Applicants are required to have a bachelor degree in Chemistry and Bio Engineering, Materials Science or related subjects. The overall degree should be 1,9 or better. Degrees with another grading system need to have been graded with a mark equivalent... more details
The 2015/16 annual stipend rate is still to be agreed. Scholarships normally offer an annual stipend, plus tuition fees at the Home/EU rate. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.