Reward & Prizes POSITION PRIZES 1st Prize Student Winner’s trophy N2 million scholarship grant 1 laptop 1 smartphone mPulse Go... more details
1st Prize :N250K 2nd Prize: N150K 3rd Prize : N100K Winners will be announced on 24 September, 2021... more details
THE WINNER N1,000,000 Macbook Branded Laptop bag Internet subscription for 3months Journal & Stationery 1ST RUNNER-UP N750,000 HP laptop Bran... more details
The top 5 essay participants (one per sub-theme) will have an opportunity to attend the continental Young Leaders and Policy Makers Summer School (BootCamp) in Arusha, Tanzania.... more details
1st Place Winner will: Receive $1,000 USD Mentorship by staff at YALDA or partner institutions for all winners Work published on websites and in publications of YALDA and partners Opportunity to present submission at YALDA or one of the partn... more details
Each winner would be awarded a Brand New Laptop. Other gifts includes #200,000 Cash Prize, Plaque Award and Certificate. In addition to prizes, winners and shortlisted applicants must be available to attend the Award Ceremony Day in Abuja. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Fantastic prizes to be won by:FIRST PositionSECOND PositionTHIRD PositionAnd lots of consolation prizes for other participants too!... more details
a 13 inch 2020 Macbook Pro or 2020 Ipad Pro 12.9 inch (winner will be given the option to choose one) a bag of ONE Merchandise a virtual meet up with one of the artists featured on the ONE #StandTogether Anthem. ... more details
Applications will be selected and awarded for the following categories: Best App for Development Awards (First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and 3 Honourable Mentions). Popular Choice Award Vice Chancellor’s Recognition Award Competi... more details
Submission of an article implies consent to publish in Hektoen International. If accepted for publication, an article may be published at any time regardless of the outcome of the competition. If major edits are made, proofs will be sent ... more details
Entries are to be submitted in Document/PDF format with name, dept, faculty, level, and WhatsApp number attached and sent to and in not more than 1000 words. ESSAY WRITING topic ”MY PLANS FOR NIGERIA IF ELECTED PRESIDENT&rdqu... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Prizes and Reward 1st Prize: Laptop, Printer and Cash Prize of N500,000.00. 2nd Price: Cash Prize of N300,000.00. 3rd Price: Cash Prize of N200,000.00. ... more details
US$1,000,000 Total Bonus Huawei has set aside US$1 million from its Shining Star Program as prize money for the contest. US$200,000 will be allocated for the top 20 apps in each region. The awards are as follows: US$15,000x 5 Best App US$15,000... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.