5002 Scholarships and Grants in United States

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Financing Type:

Expertsasia - Post-doctorates

The EXPERTS III scholarship covers: Travel cost- one return ticket to the host University- provided by the Coordinator A monthly subsistence allowance (see rates below) Full insurance coverage - health, travel and accident Tuition fees, if applied a... more details

  •  Bachelor, Phd, Grant
  •  United States

Van Walree Beurs

Veelbelovende medische studenten die hun artsexamen nog niet hebben afgelegd, kunnen een aanvraag indienen voor een reis- en verblijfbeurs van maximaal € 1.000 voor deelname aan een buitenlands congres. Op dit congres moeten zij de onderzoeksresultat... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United States

Ramsay Memorial Fellowships

Trust will contribute 50% of the Fellow's total salary costs up to a maximum of £17,500 per annum, with the balance of all other costs to be paid by the co-sponsor. In addition, a grant of up to £1,000 per annum may be requested by the Fellow for (no... more details

  •  Phd, Grant
  •  Canada, United States

Akademie Colloquia

De bijdrage van de KNAW bedraagt maximaal 6.500 euro per dag. Voor de organisatie van een bijbehorende masterclass met ten minste 15 promovendi is een bijdrage van maximaal 3.500 euro beschikbaar. Daarnaast biedt de KNAW kosteloos organisatorische en... more details

  •  Master
  •  Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, United States

ENP PhD Program Scholarships

a fellowship of 1200 €/month during the first year and a net salary of 1 800 €/month during the three years of PhD thesis ... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  Canada, United Kingdom, United States

PhD Program CCHD

Application and selection criteria » the official admission criteria for PhD students at the MUV » command of English » documented scientific interest and research talent » duration of undergraduate studies » excellent grades at the undergraduate le... more details

  •  Bachelor, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United States

The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarship and Leadership Programme

The scholarship will cover 100% of University and college fees and a grant for living costs of £14,057. Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for the agreed course. Awards are made for the full duration of a student's fee liabil... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United States

In-Coming Scholarships of the V4 countries

€2,300/semester for the scholar + €1,500/semester for the host possibility to apply for a separate travel grant, if residing further than 1,500 km from the host ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Grant
  •  United States

The E8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarship Program

Scholarships of US$ 23,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Masters level students. Up to ten Masters scholarships will be awarded annually. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  United States

Beca de Astrofísico Residente

15.272 euros el primer año 17.580 euros anuales el segundo año 20.977 euros el tercer año 23.016 euros brutos el cuarto año Seguro de accidentes Ayuda de incorporación no superior a 1.250 euros para: Billete de avión (siempre que fuere tramitado por... more details

  •  Phd
  •  United States

Phd Applications invited at Research Institute for Symbolic Computation

Fellowships for covering living expenses in Austria. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United States

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Vienna Biocenter (VBC) PhD programme

The salaries offered to VBC students are among the highest for PhD Programmes in Europe, around €30,758 (gross), per year (i.e. €23,148 net) - per month €2,197 (net €1,653) – paid 14 times per year. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  United States

Studiefonds Ketel 1

Voorwaarde voor toekenning van een beurs is dat het studie- of onderzoeksproject plaatsvindt aan een universiteit die is aangesloten bij de LERU of deel uitmaakt van de Ivy-League. Voor de studierichting Geneeskunde gelden nog twee aanvullende voorwa... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United States

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