To be eligible for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, candidates should: be Commonwealth citizens of a developing Commonwealth country, refugees or British protected persons AND be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth countr... more details
Value per annum: £1,000 (maximum) ... more details
Value per annum: £1000 (maximum) ... more details
Eligible full-time students can apply for a loan of up to £3,400 and eligible part-time students can apply for up to £1,700 per year to pay tuition fees. Part-time students must be undertaking at least 50% of a full-time course, and must therefore, c... more details
You can claim for this grant if you are widowed, divorced, separated or a single student bringing up children. If you have at least one dependent child, support is available either as an extra grant or through more allowances provided against your in... more details
If you are a lone parent who is paying for formal or registered childcare to enable you to attend a full time undergraduate course and your main source of financial support is through the student loans system, then you are likely to be eligible to ap... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
A grant of up to £105 a week to help you with accommodation costs in the long holiday is available from SAAS if you were previously in care. ... more details
The MSITT tuition fees amount to €8,000 for the whole duration of studies. All admitted students are eligible to apply for scholarships and financial aid to cover whole or part of this amount. The MBIT tuition fees amount to €9,500 for the whole dura... more details
The amount of the scholarship can be up to 10.000 Euro for 1 year. The Board of the Science@Leuven Fund will decide exactly how much a scholarship will be. The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health... more details
The Scholarship includes: € 8600/year living expenses Tuition fee waiver Affiliation with a Belgian Health Insurance Company Third Party Liability Insurance ... more details
Specified use It pays for a King's research student to spend a semester at Cornell University every second year (and for a Cornell student to come to King's in the intervening years). ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
All new and current students in any subject. ... more details
Successful bursaries will provide the award holder with a one-off stipend of £750 payable to the student in his or her 1st year of studies. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.