Several smaller bursaries of £1,000-2,000 are awarded annually, and roughly every 3 years, a PhD scholarship (£7,500 p.a.) is advertised. ... more details
The bursaries generally range in value up to around £1,000, though a few exceed this. ... more details
Applications are invited by the College of Arts and Humanities at Bangor University for an AHRC-funded Research Preparation Masters. This one year studentship (fees and a stipend of £9681) can be held within any of the following Schools; Cymraeg/Wels... more details
Patient choice in prostate cancer hormone treatment (Continuous androgen deprivation vs intermittent androgen deprivation). North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research, School of Healthcare Sciences & Medical Sciences, CoHaBS, Bangor University.... more details
We are pleased to announce that up to 10 fully-funded scholarships (each worth over £12,000 to cover tuition fees). The scholarship also includes a generous bursary to enable scholars to attend a compulsory 14-day study tour which will be held in a c... more details
ATM provides scholarships covering tuition fees and living costs of £113 per week (46 weeks, tax free). ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Payment of tuition fees for one-year taught or research postgraduate masters or for two years if studying part-time. The value of the bursary for 2015-16 will be £8,000. ... more details
Research The successful candidate is expected to have deep understanding of the basics of theoreticalquantum optics. They are expected to be familiar with the principles and phenomena ofcavity quantum electrodynamics.Previous experience with many-bod... more details
The Aerospace MSc Bursary Scheme aims to:Generate more aerospace MSc qualified professionals with high level skills who will work in the sector; and toUp-skill the existing UK aerospace workforce and reinforce the supply of skilled people with knowle... more details
The amount to be paid by the Foundation will take into account the duration of the scholarship and the country where the course or training period take place. Travel expenses (return ticket) between the scholarship holder’s permanent place of residen... more details
four new CLYDE HIGGS SCHOLARSHIPS, each worth £7,500 ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Aufnahme in die Studienstiftung zwei Sprachkurse in Deutschland und Japan Stipendium für 24 Monate, monatlich 750 Zusätzlich Japanzuschlag für 12 Monate, monatlich 650 Reisekostenpauschale für Japan, einmalig 1.500 Mobilitätspauschale für Visakosten... more details
Successful applicants within this scheme will receive scholarships of EUR2,300/semester and the corresponding host universities/institutes receive EUR1,500/semester/scholar. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.