The scholarship will expand the student's training and professional interactions through participation in educational opportunities. ... more details
1 male and 1 female will be awarded a $15,000 scholarshipFirst 100 entries will receive a Six Star® prize pack including 100% Whey Protein Plus, Pre-Workout Explosion, and Intra-Workout Amino Max ... more details
Money to pay for college expenses. ... more details
To be an eligible candidate for this award, you must be a US citizen with proof of admission and enrollment in any accredited institution of higher education. Furthermore, this award is available for any full-time student seeking a degree in any cate... more details
Applicants must currently be in High School, College or University education.Applicants must be studying the US; ... more details
it varies for different scholarship. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Funding awarded for scholarship winners (3 winners) ... more details
Details of The Business Scholarship Our Scholarship is distributed in bursaries of $1000 each (£798). We award up to 5 different applicants each year. The bursary can be applied to ordinary expenses incurred in the course of higher education. Example... more details
The scholarship for the year 2018 is $3000 USD for 1 person who will be chosen by our team. We will issue a check in a name of the winning student or in the name of his/her College or University ... more details
The scholarship recipient will be notified following the deadline. The award will be sent directly to the recipient by check to the recipient’s permanent mailing address. ... more details
$500 will be awarded to the scholarship winner. The funds are intended to be used for books and tuition only. will write a check to the winner’s school of choice to be credited toward academic costs. Recipients may only win this schola... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
$1000 scholarship to cover tuition, books, and other educational expenses. ... more details
Hello,Greetings Financial Aid Team,We would like to offer the opportunity to apply for The Gardiner Foundation Scholarship that we award yearly. The Gardiner Foundation in the South Bronx that is sponsored by our Law Firm. We typically give four to f... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.