Die monatlichen Stipendienraten setzen sich aus einem Grundbetrag und einem nach Ländern bzw. Regionen differenzierten Auslandsbetrag zusammen. Sie werden bei Bedarf nach Vorgaben, an die der DAAD gebunden ist, den veränderten Lebenshaltungskosten in... more details
Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers 2,150 euros for professors Monthly payments for former scholarship holders who work outside the science sector will be calculated based upon their qualific... more details
Financial assistance is available for a maximum of 6 months: Graduate award holders are granted 1,000 Euro/month Post-doctoral award holders are granted 1,500 Euro/month Residential award holders are granted 500 Euro/month ... more details
The period for which the scholarship is awarded depends on the degree pursued. As rule, the periods and amounts are as follows: Diploma and masters theses: six months, 250-400 euros/month Semester abroad: six months, 400-600 euros/month Doctoral pro... more details
Fellowships are for up to five years in the first instance and provide support that includes: a basic salary for the fellow research expenses (e.g. consumables, equipment, collaborative travel, research assistance, technical support, fieldwork an... more details
Scholarship Value up to EUR 597 per month EUR 300 of book allowance additional financial support, i.e. when studying abroad or during internships ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
What can be funded? Study visits at state or state-recognised universities in Germany for artistic cooperations with a host institution. A study visit can also take place at several host institutions. Funding may only be claimed once within three... more details
Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding Other payments cannot be... more details
Fellowships are tenable for five years and provide: a basic salary, as determined by the host institution, with an additional Wellcome Trust enhancement research expenses (e.g. consumables, equipment, fieldwork and data collection), including res... more details
Germans/Foreign students educated in Germany and EU nationals/Students not educated in Germany:€1150,-per month basic scholarship plus €100 per month research costsallowance Non-EU nationals/Students not educated in Germany:€1,000 per month,plus ... more details
Students receive a monthly scholarship of around 580 euros in Germany. Members of the association help locally in the search for accommodation and with the registration formalities, and otherwise support the students in word and deed. Scholarship hol... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
monthly stipend of EUR 800 health-, accident- and liability insurances contribution to travel expenses, if necessary ... more details
The fellowship rates are paid as follows: Graduate Students: EUR 300/week Postdocs: EUR 425/week Flights are covered by a lump sum of up to EUR 700.00. Please note that grant holders will have to take care of health insurance themselves. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.