One or more Scholarships will be awarded for a period of up to one year and each will be of the value of up to $30,000. ... more details
MA: To be eligible you must be enrolled at a Danish university or Lund University in Sweden and work in a field relevant to Novo Nordisk R&D strategy. PhD: To be considered, you must hold a master’s degree with a grade point average belonging to ... more details
The salary of Industrial PhD students must as a minimum correspond to the current pay rate of the collective agreement for PhD fellows employed in the Danish state. The salary of PhD fellows employed in the state is determined by seniority, cf. the c... more details
The current value of the scholarship is approximately €15,000 per annum, although travel expenses will also be covered. ... more details
Visiting researchers who have not placed their funding at the Institute must pay 5 000 SEK per month for administrative services. ... more details
Graduate funding at the Faculty of Law is modest, given the number and quality of students in our programs. We therefore strongly recommend that applicants secure their own funding from outside sources. Please visit our sister site Graduate Studies i... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
CampusBourses delivers instant information on financial aid by allowing you to perform searches customized to your needs. From the licence (bachelor) to the postdoc levels, CampusBourses contains data on grant and scholarship programs of national and... more details
The fellowship is available once a year for a three- to six-month period at SAIIA. The fellowship covers an economy class return ticket to South Africa, the board and lodgings of the candidate and a stipend. ... more details
The University of Hertfordshire offers a number of non-repayable scholarships to international students. Graduate Scholarship - The Graduate Scholarship is available to students who have graduated from a University of Hertfordshire undergraduate degr... more details
The University of Bradford offers a wide range of financial help to assist you on your university journey, and invests over £4m annually in the Access Agreement and the National Scholarship Programme to support students from all backgrounds. Every ye... more details
We offer 2 scholarships: One ‘full fee’ scholarship for the first academic year only.(£4,750 Home/EU, £7,500 Overseas) One ‘half fee’ scholarship for the first academic year only.(£2,500 Home/EU, £3,750 Overseas) ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Already providing some of the lowest tuition fees amongst UK universities, our scholarship programme reinforces our commitment to widening access into education. The scholarships listed below are for full-time students only. The Maintenance Grant and... more details
Qualification for application International exchange students at partnering universities in Korea. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.