A studentship usually covers academic fees and a maintenance grant. ... more details
Scholarships are available, with a value of £5000 or £7,500 tuition fee waiver in year one only. Egypt: £5000; Kenya: £5000; Nigeria: £5000; Turkey: £5000; Vietnam: £5000; Colombia: £7,500; India: £7,500; Indonesia: £7,500; Mexico: £7,500 and Pakista... more details
An annual grant of up to £10,250 towards living expenses. Students undertaking a six-year medical degree would only receive funding for the first four years of the course. ... more details
An annual scholarship of up to £15,000 value will be offered. ... more details
The studentships are for three years and include a stipend of £14,296 per year and tuition fees. ... more details
The successful candidate will receive an annual payment of £16,000 as a stipend towards living expenses for a maximum of three years. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The scholarship is worth £9,000 per year for three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress and scholars may choose to use all or part of the scholarship to cover fees. Any remainder is paid to the scholar as a maintenance stipend. The schola... more details
Westminster International Scholarship: Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. Westminster Full-fee Scholarship: Full tuition fee award only. Westminster Half-fee Scholarship: Half tuition fee award only... more details
The scholarship is a tuition fee award, worth up to the cost of a laboratory based course which is paid directly to the University of Birmingham. ... more details
The scholarship includes: A fee waiver equal to the Home/EU fee (international students will need to pay the balance of their fees) A stipend of £12,000 per year A training bursary of £480 per year Proficiofunding, which can be used to ‘buy’ advance... more details
For 2017, the Academic Excellence Scholarship is valued at £5,000 which will be deducted from your tuition fees during the first year of enrolment. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
A scholarship comprises the following subject to satisfactory progress and annual review: All tuition fees for a maximum period of three years; Annual maintenance allowance (£14,296, in 2016-2017 which is subject to annual adjustment). Payments for ... more details
Tuition fees, college fees and a grant towards living expenses ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.