The JPND provides the award amount of up to 19 million Euros for talented and outstanding students to study in Europe.... more details
A one-off scholarship of up to 10,000 EUR to cover (part of) the current annual tuition fee. Scholarship amount will offset the corresponding amount of the tuition fees for the first academic year; it cannot cover any other expenses like travel, a... more details
The first-place winner will receive a service contract to do further design work with Youth Excel and an iPad mini. The second-and third-place winners will receive an iPad mini. ... more details
The Chalmers University of Technology will provide a good salary package to the successful candidates for postdoctoral study. ... more details
The Micklin Law Group, LLC will provide the award of $1,000. The award is granted two times per year.... more details
The educational program will provide the salaries for doctoral students regulated in a local agreement at the University. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The winning entry will be published in the Financial Times (at its sole discretion) and the World Bank Group blog. Based on restrictions during the pandemic the World Bank Group will also find additional, virtual ways to honour the winner in April 20... more details
The basic stipend is $52,000 for the first year, $54,000 for the second year, and $56,000 the third year, with an additional $1000 for each dependent child. There is no dependency allowance for a spouse. An allowance of $2,000 a year toward the co... more details
The University of Gävle covers the entire tuition fee, but not living expenses, for studies at Bachelor of Science in Social Work ... more details
The Chalmers University of Technology will cover 100% of the tuition fees to the successful candidates for a master’s degree for the year 2021/2022. ... more details
Requirement 1. All written submissions must be the original work of the Entrant (that is, written by the Entrant her/himself). 2. All entries must be submitted here. (Submissions in French or Spanish will also use the same link as ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. will provide two awards in which First Prize is $1000 and the Second Prize is $500.... more details
Up to 20 scholarships will be awarded. Each scholarship award will be between $1,000 - $5,000. Award/No Award notifications will be emailed June 2021.... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.