The winner will be invited to the 2024 FRH Conference (location and date to be confirmed) with all costs covered up to a maximum of 1,000€. Finalists will be welcome to participate in the conference at their own cost. FRH will also iss... more details
The Grand Prizes are split into 4 categories The Job Creation Prize Revenue Growth Prize Storytelling Prize Integrating Systems and Processes Prize Anzisha prize: Bi-annual cash stipends to eligible fellows throughout the fellowship. Short term ed... more details
The UBC Sauder School of Business will award the scholarship winners $1,500 towards the cost of their study program.... more details
For 3 months, fellows in this program will be trained in diverse skills covering areas such as Learning Theories, Curriculum Design and Development, Teaching Methodologies as well as Assessment and Evaluation strategies, and upon graduation be second... more details
ProVeg Grants offers financial support between $5,000 – $30,000 per year, as well as tailored support from ProVeg International’s Intervention Experts. We aim to fund many high-quality proposals, grants are limited and, unfortunately, no... more details
It encourages the cross-pollination of ideas and hence gives preference to projects that will tap into, and benefit from, a multi-disciplinary discourse while also contributing unique perspectives to such a discourse.... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Each Fellowship provides: Approved return airfare from the Fellow’s home country to the UK Reimbursement of the standard visa application fee Stipend (living allowance) payable monthly (or pro rata) for the duration of the award at the rate of... more details
The graduate program offers opportunities for fresh graduates, to create immense value for our clients both locally and internationally. It allows successful candidates to get nurtured, impact their communities, and thrive both physically and profes... more details
The Ashinaga (100-Year Vision) Scholarship provides a full scholarship that covers the cost of tuition, accommodation (during the terms and vacation), insurance, flight, and provides monthly stipend which covers food and necessary academic costs.... more details
The tech enthusiasts will undergo a comprehensive and practical programme that will expose them to a wide array of cutting-edge technologies such as IT fundamentals, application support/development, cybersecurity and data science to strengthen their ... more details
Responsibilities Working under the supervision of the Programme Manager, the intern will assist the UNAI team with its daily tasks. The selected intern may perform some of the following functions: Conducting internet research on thematic issues rela... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Recognition from international environmental experts Media exposure of your efforts to save the world Connections to prominent environmental activists Setting an example to others / Being a role model to others Free of charge participation €2,0... more details
€2,200 per month per co-founder for 6 months No equity Ongoing support Mentoring & Coaching Bootcamps & Masterclasses Strong outreach to angels & investors Free office space in the heart of Berlin ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.