The amount of the scholarship is 13.638,47 € per year (gross amount). The scholarship is subject to social security contribution. The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for periods of study abroad excluding the official country of residenc... more details
The 10% discount is applied only to the tuition fee element of the programme and does not apply to any additional costs such as research costs or additional programme costs such as fieldwork fees. ... more details
Eligible Expenses Tuition and living expenses Maximum amount The maximum amount of an MSR scholarship is €15,000 Criteria for the evaluation Academic excellence Personal growth: Assessing the contribution the proposed field of study would have on ... more details
For the academic year 2015/2016, the Foundation for the Lugano Faculties of the Università della Svizzera italiana will award a total of 60 one-off study grants of the amount of CHF 4'000 each. The merit-based grants are given to the students admitte... more details
The scholarship is worth £2,000 for each year of study and will be renewed on an annual basis, subject to good academic progress. ... more details
Bijdrage Voltijdopleiding De bijdrage van de VandenEnde Foundation bedraagt ten hoogste 75% van de met de opleiding gemoeide kosten en maximaal € 7.500. De eigen bijdrage van de aanvrager bedraagt tenminste 10% van de met de opleiding gemoeide koste... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
€ 6,000 - € 25,000 for one year (approximately 30 scholarships available). ... more details
Vrijstelling van de cursuskosten, gratis huisvesting en maaltijden. ... more details
Jaarlijks ontvangt de Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude tussen de 500 en 700 aanvragen voor een studiebeurs of renteloze lening. Dat zijn er meer dan de Fundatie kan honoreren. Er is een aantal richtlijnen waaraan een aanvraag minimaal moet vo... more details
Die Ausstattung der Stipendien wird je nach Vorhaben individuell festgelegt. Dabei können Kosten für Unterkunft, Lebenshaltung und Reisekosten berücksichtigt werden. Die Höchstgrenze für ein Jahresstipendium liegt bei 12.000 €. ... more details
Overview of OTS 2015-2016 Programme No. of sponsors: 17 Dutch higher education institutions (including their 24 faculties) No. of grantees: 52 Total amount: maximum € 850,000 Range of scholarship: € 660 to € 47,200 depending on each institution Aver... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
A Water technology scholarship comprises a maximum of 10.000 euros per student per year; ... more details
Each year two types of fellowships are avaible: For non EU students: three partial fellowships, of 10,000 Euros each For African students: one full fellowship; this fellowship is covering the costs of studying and living for the two years ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.