The recipients will be awarded a single payment of USD 2,000. ... more details
Full scholarship includes: Tuition fee; Monthly allowance for one academic year (8 months only); Basic health insurance*. Partial scholarship includes: Part of the tuition fee; Monthly allowance for one academic year (8 months only); Basic health ins... more details
Talented and experienced Jewish and Muslim nonprofit professionals. ... more details
Recipients of financial aid from the University of Haifa are required to participate in the Volunteer Program while they are in Haifa. In addition, they will be expected to serve as ambassadors for the University of Haifa for the year following their... more details
NIS 5,930 - NIS 10,000 per month. ... more details
Eramus Mundus Scholarships, Intake 2016-2018 (M1-M2): Partner countries students who are ranked among the top 12 best students of category A students. Programme countries students ranked in the top 2 best students list of category B students. Yearly... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Tuition: $8,450 (Semester); 12,450 (Year) Scholarships available. ... more details
Students who are in financial need are encouraged to submit an application. ... more details
Masa Israel participants on a gap year program between the ages of 18-20 are eligible for a $500 grant which will be allocated directly to their program provider toward tuition. Masa Israel participants on study abroad programs and participants betwe... more details
The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a tax free stipend of £14,296 p.a. There will also be additional funds for research expenses (e.g. conferences, fieldwork) up to a value of £1200 p.a. (£600 p.a. from the College of Art... more details
The value of bursaries will range from £1,000 up to the full amount of UK/EU fees and will be open to UK/EU and international students. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
PGT Achievement Scholarships: £1,000 fee-reduction achievement awarded the TOP 8 successful MSc applicants (all programmes) from the UK/EU applying with a first-class undergraduate degree in a Psychology-related discipline. ... more details
Für Unterkunft, Verpflegung und Nebenausgaben steht ein dem Lebensalter des Stipendiaten und den Lebenshaltungskosten des Gastlandes angepasster Betrag zur Verfügung. Der monatliche Grundbetrag beläuft sich auf: EUR 1.365,- für Stipendiaten bis 30 ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.