Participants will receive: 20 weeks of podcast training focused on concept development, audience growth, and long-term sustainability that will be bookended by in-person gatherings Access to a network of industry experts, mentors, progr... more details
In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements... more details
GBP 21,000 (GBP 23,000 in the second year) plus accommodation allowance ... more details
Young Leaders will benefit from an exclusive four-day curriculum at AIDS 2022, which will include the following opportunities: Meetings with leading scientists, researchers and advocates, including AIDS 2022 plenary speakers and IAS leaders O... more details
Grand Prize winners will receive a virtual Gold Badge and a Certificate. Second Prize winners will receive a virtual Silver Badge and a Certificate. Third Prize winners will receive a virtual Bronze Badge and a Certificate. People’s Ch... more details
Low population density, and a maximum of 15,000 inhabitants. Be located in a landscape with an important presence of traditional activities such as agriculture, forestry, livestock or fishing. Share community values&... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The students selected will receive this Tech Award towards their study cost in a relevant field at any American university by the EQUALS Global Partnership.... more details
Selected creators will join a cohort-driven program designed to build and deepen their fluency in crypto commerce and traditional payments. The program is focused on supporting creators in five key areas: Join a community of creators in v... more details
The chosen candidate will be presented with a US$20,000 honorarium and the signature crystal engraved globe at a virtual global conference with Internet technical leaders later this year. ... more details
The scholarship amount is $10,000. There are 40 scholarships available. ... more details
Qualified startups that apply for the call will receive priority screening, so it’s a way to get your solution in front of our team knowing that we are actively looking to invest between $500K-$2M USD. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
$200 for first prize $100 for second prize $50 for third prize $20 and publication on Brilliant Flash Fiction website for shortlisted stories ... more details
Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships offer a life-changing opportunity for cultural exchange and academic collaboration in unique environments across the globe Award allowances include: Fully-funded tuition fees Living expenses (stipe... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.