2891 Scholarships and Grants in Germany

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Financing Type:

Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude Den Haag

Jaarlijks ontvangt de Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude tussen de 500 en 700 aanvragen voor een studiebeurs of renteloze lening. Dat zijn er meer dan de Fundatie kan honoreren. Er is een aantal richtlijnen waaraan een aanvraag minimaal moet vo... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Africa, Canada, Europe, United States

Government Scholarships Mexico

Funding of CONACYT: Monthly scholarship: about 1.000 euros. Reimbursement of study fees for Masters studies. Funding of DAAD: A preparatory language course in Germany. A language course in Germany for spouse. Health, Accident, and Personal Liabili... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Germany
  • $$  Master, Phd

Mummert Scholarships for the Managers of Tomorrow from Central and South Eastern Europe

The financial benefits of sponsorship include: a monthly grant of 900.00 EUR including a monthly rent payment assistance, which covers appropriate living expenses including a cultural component; academic study and research cost assistance per sem... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Grant
  •  Germany

Centenary Scholarship

The annual Scholarship (value £500/annum), which is restricted to first or second year undergraduates in student membership of the Institute, will be awarded for projects, visits, etc in furtherance of the recipient's career development in the fields... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Germany

Emergency Grants for women in Great Britain

These are one off payments to assist with the completion of an academic year’s work. No grant is likely to exceed £2,500. All our grants are offered on a needs basis and therefore not all grants will be for £2,500. ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Germany

Koepon Stipendia for Short Stay

The conditions for a short stay are: The student is registered with an approved university or polytechnical school. Students who are not registered also may apply, but in that case applicants should provide proof of their qualifications. There is a ... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

Eric Bleumink Fund Researchers

Travel to and from the Netherlands The journeys to the Netherlands and back are included in the scholarship grant. The travel costs include the flights between Amsterdam and the airport nearest to the fellowship recipient’s (scholarship student’s) r... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Grant
  •  Germany

VU Fellowship Programme

The VUFP scholarship covers your tuition fee, and provides for an allowance towards study and living costs (paid out in 3 installments over the year). Please note that the scholarship does not cover all your living expenses. There are two variations ... more details

  •  Master, Grant
  •  Germany

Charles Wallace Burma Trust Grants

Academic Grants: Modest grants of £1,000 or less are offered to postgraduate students from Burma in the midst of their studies in the UK. **Visiting Fellowship:**Successful applicants for these awards receive financial assistance with their fares and... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Grant
  •  Germany

Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Fellowship Programme

Doctoral Bursaries: Our maximum grant is normally £1,000 , so applicants must have funds from other sources to cater for most of their needs. Reserved Visiting Fellowships; An all-inclusive monthly stipend of £1,300 is offered by the Trust, together ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Grant
  •  Germany

Scholarships for Research and Doctorate: for students who want to study in Portugal

The scholarship holder is granted a monthly amount established every year by the Fundação. This amount varies according to the scholarship holder’s academic qualifications. Travel expenses (return ticket) between the scholarship holder’s permanent pl... more details

  •  Phd, Grant
  •  Germany

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Danish Ministry of Education Scholarship Scheme (Non EU/EEA students only)

Scholarships include free tuition and a monthly stipend of DKK 6,500. Danish Government Scholarships of DKK 6,500 must be used to cover travel, visa, accomodation, food, and other living expenses. Students receiving a Danish Government scholarship, y... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

Programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration

The scholarship is awarded for a duration of eleven month. It consists of the following: -> monthly scholarship of 800 euros -> one-time grant of about 400 euros to support the project work and travels -> for foreign scholarship holders: a o... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Germany

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