The amount of the scholarship is 8000 euros per academic year. If one of the two semesters of a given year is dedicated to a funded internship, the amount of the scholarship for that year is reduced to 5000 euros. ... more details
Beliefs the fellowship full support for 9 months (including living expenses as well as expenses Research) ranges between $ 20,000 and $ 36,000. This amount is significantly correlated to price levels in the countries that are proposed candidate resid... more details
2500 euros per semester / 2500 euros per semester ... more details
The Université Paris-Saclay scholarship is 10,000€ per year. It is paid by the establishment the candidate is registered in for the duration of the academic year, and for a period of no less than 10 consecutive months per year. A maximum of 1,000€ f... more details
The scholarship awarded includes: A supplement of monthly salary of 2600 € net for the program “young researcher” and 3300 € net for the confirmed researchers, Accompanying costs, which may include operating costs necessary to carry out the project ... more details
There is no course fees for successful Master’s Degree applicants. Full bursaries covering tuition, accommodation, meals and travel costs are also awarded to successful applicants. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The Charpak Master Program offers two kinds of scholarships based on merit: a) Charpak AME Scholarship (Allocation Mensuelle d’Entretien): Living allowance 615 euros Medical insurance coverage (approx 300 euros / academic year) Student visa fee waiv... more details
The stipend is 10,000 euros per year. ... more details
The level of funding will be competitive and sufficient to cover tuition fees and part of living expenses in Toulouse : 600€ per month over 10 months for applicants starting in the first year M1 1 000€ per month over 10 months for applicants startin... more details
Monthly allowances in the form of employment contracts will be provided to all successful EMJD-SEED candidates during 3-4 years depending on each individual doctoral plan. This applies to both category A and B students. The basis of these contracts i... more details
includes Full Scholarship (100% free tuition) Excellence Scholarship (40% tuition fee reduction) Distinction Scholarship (20% tuition fee reduction) ... more details
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Each post-doctoral fellow will receive a net salary of €2,330 per month and thus benefit from health insurance and social coverage. (S)he will participate to the scientific activities of the laboratory, in particular to seminars and working groups. ... more details
Ampère Scholarships of Excellence: 1000€/month MILYON Scholarship: 1000€/month or in addition to another scholarship to reach a maximum of 1000 €/month (e.g. a bursary of the French Embassy in Chile) ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.