2991 Scholarships and Grants in Canada

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Financing Type:

$5,000 Easy Scholarship: Prevent Texting and Driving

No minimum GPA or essay required. This $5,000 easy scholarship is open to people ages 13 to 25. You must also live in the U.S. or have U.S citizenship. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  Canada, United States
  • $$  $5,000

$5,000 Easy Scholarship: Create a Recycling Bin to Reduce Waste!

No minimum GPA or essay required. This $5,000 easy scholarship is open to people ages 13 to 25. You must also live in the U.S. or have U.S citizenship. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  Canada, United States
  • $$  $5,000

$3,000 Easy Scholarship: Share a Digital Guide to Help Save Lives

No minimum GPA or essay required. This $3,000 easy scholarship is open to people ages 13 to 25. You must also live in the U.S. or have U.S citizenship. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  Canada, United States
  • $$  $3,000

Arab Council of Social Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships for Citizens of Arab Countries

Beliefs the fellowship full support for 9 months (including living expenses as well as expenses Research) ranges between $ 20,000 and $ 36,000. This amount is significantly correlated to price levels in the countries that are proposed candidate resid... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Worldwide

150 Inspired Learning Scholarships for Canadian Students at King’s University

The King’s University is offering up to 150 $5,000 Inspired Learning Scholarships to new students. Number of Scholarships: There are 150 scholarships available. ... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Canada

Global Health Postdoctoral Fellowships at McGill University

Steinberg Global Health Postdoctoral Fellows will receive a generous stipend and travel expenditures totalling $50,000. ... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Canada

President Scholarship for International Students at University of Winnipeg

Values and Deadlines: Division Amount Number Available Deadline(s) Intake Term(s) English Language Program $3,500 3 Monday April 3, 2017 Friday June 2, 2017 Monday October 2, 2017 Spring/Summer 2017 Fall 2017 Winter 2018 Professional, Applied Continu... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Canada

BC International Student Ambassador Scholarship for K-12 and Post-Secondary Institutions, 2017

Each scholarship has a value $1,250. Number of Scholarships: There are 60 entrance scholarships, with 20 awards allocated to students from the People’s Republic of China, 20 awards for students from Japan, and 20 awards for students from the Republic... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Canada

Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS) for International Students in Canada, 2017

Scholarship of $40,000 annually and is renewable for up to a total of four years subject to academic performance and availability of funding. Renewal beyond the first year requires a minimum GPA of A-minus in all completed courses. ... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Canada

Postdoctoral Fellowship for International Students at University of Toronto in Canada, 2017-2018

Petro Jacyk Postdoctoral Fellowship The Fellowship runs for twelve months. The Fellowship holder will receive CAD $40,000, which includes payment for teaching a semester-long course, and separately an allowance of up to CAD $2,500 for research and tr... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Canada

AIMS Co-operative Master’s Degree Scholarships for African Students, 2017-2018

There is no course fees for successful Master’s Degree applicants. Full bursaries covering tuition, accommodation, meals and travel costs are also awarded to successful applicants. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate PhD Fellowships for International Students, 2017

Monthly allowances in the form of employment contracts will be provided to all successful EMJD-SEED candidates during 3-4 years depending on each individual doctoral plan. This applies to both category A and B students. The basis of these contracts i... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Worldwide

Perimeter Scholars International Award

Perimeter Scholars International welcomes applications from exceptional, enthusiastic, interactive students who have obtained an undergraduate degree in physics and/or math with a minimum of three undergraduate or graduate courses in physics beyond I... more details

  •  Master
  •  Canada
  • $$  Fully Funded

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