6 scholarships for 1-month research visits are offered for those already pursuing research or interested in undertaking studies in any of the four research topics* and interested in spending one month at DITA between October 2015 and June 2016. The a... more details
Non-European Union students may be eligible for a scholarship of up to £1,500 a year if they are a self-funded international (non-European Union) student studying on foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate programmes. Scholarships are awarded as a ... more details
* Home and EU candidates are eligible to make applications for AHRC awards * UK residents' awards consist of fees and maintenance * EU residents' awards are on a fees-only basis* Please see guidance on residency requirements outlined in the AHRC's Tr... more details
Return travel, insurance, tuition fee (if relevant), monthly allowance from 1000 EUR to 2500 EUR: Undergraduate and Master students: 1000 EUR; PhD students: 1500 EUR; PostDoc's: 1800 EUR; Staff: 2500 EUR per month. ... more details
2 x full scholarship covering the entire 3 years, worth €25,200 ... more details
Beursbedrag Deze is afhankelijk van de kwalificatie van de kandidaat: Assistent: € 2.000 per maand Assistent van een professor en jonge docent: € 2.000 per maand Hoogleraar: € 2.150 per maand, in uitzonderingsgevallen € 2.300 per maand ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The value of a REP is £2,500 to cover a minimum stipend of £200 per week to the student and a contribution towards research expenses during the placement. ... more details
You may be able to borrow between £300 and £10,000. ... more details
ZLC provides a 25% tuition scholarship for the ZLOG Program, equivalent to €6,000. Furthermore, FUNED grants a “credit-scholarship” covering up to 40% of the total cost of the ZLOG Program, not to exceed $12,000 USD. The amount provided to the schola... more details
Undergraduate **Financial incentives:**The Scholarship recipient gets an annual bonus subject to successful completion of the academic year, as follows: Excellent - a reward of $ (40,000) forty thousand QR. Very good - a reward of $ (30,000) thir... more details
Undergraduate The Scholarship recipient gets an annual bonus subject to successful completion of the academic year, as follows: Excellent - a reward of $ (50,000) fifty thousand QR. Very good - a reward of $ (40,000) forty thousand QR. Good - a rewa... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
De bijdrage van de KNAW bedraagt maximaal 6.500 euro per dag. Voor de organisatie van een bijbehorende masterclass met ten minste 15 promovendi is een bijdrage van maximaal 3.500 euro beschikbaar. Daarnaast biedt de KNAW kosteloos organisatorische en... more details
Wir bieten Stipendien: für das Wintersemester 2015/16: 01.10.2015 –29.02.2016 an den Universitäten Brno / Brünn, Plze / Pilsen, Hradec Králové / Königgrätz, Ústí / Aussig und Praha/Prag u.a., zur Teilnahme am regulären Lehrbetrieb in der Landes... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.