Noida International University will provide 20% concession in tuition fees for son/ daughter or grandson /granddaughter of freedom fighters, Armed / Para-Military Forces / State Police, and Spouse of University Employee. ... more details
The University of Tokyo will provide NT$100,000/year to Taiwanese students who want to pursue a graduate degree program for the session 2020/2021. ... more details
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China will provide all the following study expense: Tuition fee Monthly stipend (RMB4,500) Medical insurance with designate providers All the above items are covered for up to 36 months based on satisfactory prog... more details
Winners will receive the following: Tuition and other school fees; Travel allowance to cover international airfare; Book and supplies allowance; Health Insurance; Living allowance for food, lodging, and incidental expenses. ... more details
The sponsorship will cover followings: Application fee, full tuition and annual capital waiver for qualified aspirants Support of leadership project while enrolled at Malvern College Hong Kong Excellent international and diverse learning environmen... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
A free plane ticket upon admission, as well as a free ticket at the end of each academic year, according to specific guidelines A monthly allowance An extra allowance for a scholar who achieves the grade of excellence Free furnished accommodation, ... more details
The award of the program ranges from JPY 30,000 to JPY 50,000. This amount will be provided per month throughout the course. ... more details
The sponsorship will cover followings: Round trip airfare The undergraduate annual tuition fee for a maximum of four years The postgraduate annual tuition fee for a maximum of two years Housing (shared room) Monthly stipend ... more details
Babu Banarasi das Northern Indian Institute of Technology will provide the educational fund for students in India. ... more details
Singapore Food Agency will provide Full-term and Mid-term scholarship that will cover the following benefits: Tuition fees and other compulsory fees (Including back-payment of tuition fees and other compulsory fees incurred prior to award). Mainten... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Canadian University Dubai will cover 30% on the tuition-fees to all eligible students for the session 2020/21. ... more details
Each successful scholar will receive the educational fund to complete their professional programme at Undiknas University in Indonesia. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.