a fellowship of 1200 €/month during the first year and a net salary of 1 800 €/month during the three years of PhD thesis ... more details
Different scholarshipsare available for this two-year master´s course. Our top three applicants will receive up to a 50% reduction in tuition fees for their first year of studies. The following three will get a reduction of 20%. A reduction of the tu... more details
De bijdrage van de KNAW bedraagt maximaal 6.500 euro per dag. Voor de organisatie van een bijbehorende masterclass met ten minste 15 promovendi is een bijdrage van maximaal 3.500 euro beschikbaar. Daarnaast biedt de KNAW kosteloos organisatorische en... more details
Trust will contribute 50% of the Fellow's total salary costs up to a maximum of £17,500 per annum, with the balance of all other costs to be paid by the co-sponsor. In addition, a grant of up to £1,000 per annum may be requested by the Fellow for (no... more details
Veelbelovende medische studenten die hun artsexamen nog niet hebben afgelegd, kunnen een aanvraag indienen voor een reis- en verblijfbeurs van maximaal € 1.000 voor deelname aan een buitenlands congres. Op dit congres moeten zij de onderzoeksresultat... more details
The EXPERTS III scholarship covers: Travel cost- one return ticket to the host University- provided by the Coordinator A monthly subsistence allowance (see rates below) Full insurance coverage - health, travel and accident Tuition fees, if applied a... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Erasmus Mundus scholarships for partner country students (Category A scholarships): Scholarships for the three-semesters Erasmus Mundus Masters Course are (numbers and rates to be confirmed): Contribution to travel, installation and all other types... more details
SACI distributes over $100,000 each term in scholarships. Below is a list of named scholarships, but there are many other scholarships available. If you are interested in applying for a SACI scholarship, simply check the appropriate box on the SACI o... more details
HIA covers the costs of participation and accommodation during all summer fellowship programs. ... more details
The scholarships cover the following aspects: Monthly subsistence allowance Travel ticket Insurance Participation cost **Subsistence allowance:**Academic Level/Amount per month Undergraduate/ 1 000 € Master/ 1 000 € PhD/ 1 500 € Post Doc/ ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Erasmus Mundus programme provides for two different kind of scholarships: CATEGORY A: full-study scholarship covering all necessary costs during the study course period for third-country students, as defined above; CATEGORY B: financial contr... more details
The stipend for long-term fellowships is $50,000 for a nine-month stay (prorated for fewer months). ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.