With CEEPUS, there is no transfer of funds: There is an internal currency of "1 scholarship month" instead. Each country pays its INCOMING students and teachers and has to pledge at least 100 scholarship months per academic year. The CEEPUS... more details
Fellowships of between 2 and 12 months are either 1250 (if fellows continue to receive full pay during their fellowship tenure) or 1800 per month, plus a travel allowance to and from Wolfenbüttel. ... more details
Basic fellowship plus monthly lump sum payment to cover maintenance and travel costs Where applicable Allowances towards stays abroad Additional travel allowances Publication costs Day care allowance Health insurance allowance for a Heisenberg Prof... more details
37,000 euros annually before tax in addition, max. 500 euros annually for travel expenses ... more details
The amount of the grant depends on the purpose. It ranges from EUR 750 for a short stay to EUR 2,000 for a teaching project in a higher education institution. ... more details
The costs for the Sommerkolleg (accommodation, course fee, board) for all participants are covered by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research or by the "AKTIONEN" unless otherwise stated. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Scholarship Value Teacher training students will be awarded a study grant, whereas teaching staff in the preparatory service for the teaching profession will receive an educational grant: students are granted, in accordance with the BAföG regulatio... more details
Die PraktikantInnen erhalten vom BMWF ein monatliches Stipendium von max. 600 Euro (je nach örtlichen Lebenshaltungskosten), plus Reisekostenzuschuss und Versicherung. ... more details
max. Euro 2.000,- pro Jahr jeweils 1 Studienjahr (erneute Antragstellung möglich) (zusätzl.) Euro 500,- für Studierende, die von der Kürzung der Familienbeihilfe des Bundes betroffen sind ... more details
einmaliger Landesbeitrag bis Euro 300,- monatlich für mindestens einen Monat und für höchstens vier Monate ... more details
Literaturbeirat, Beirat für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, Übersetzungsgutachten Österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft bzw. ständiger Wohnsitz in Österreich sowie an ausländische ÜbersetzerInnen ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Target Group: international students and post-graduates at Hamburg university demonstrating good to excellent academic performance ... more details
One-off scholarship payment of 850 euros; participants from the countries defined by the "OECD-DAC-List" (www.oecd.org/dac/stats/daclist – Least Developed Countries) receive a scholarship of 1,025 euros. Payments towards health, accident a... more details
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