For Thai students 1,200 Euro per month and for European students 800 Euro per month Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand will pay the scholarships to Thai partner universities. The selected students from European... more details
Depends on each individual case. Ma. $ 25,000 Grant award period: Max. 1 year grant. ... more details
One award, with a value of £6,000, is available in 2016. The FfWG Fellowship is awarded in alternate years. ... more details
These are one off payments to assist with the completion of an academic year’s work. No grant is likely to exceed £2,500. All our grants are offered on a needs basis and therefore not all grants will be for £2,500. ... more details
Awards of a maximum of £500 will be offered. ... more details
Approximately £5,000 is available for grants from the Fund for the assistance of postgraduate research in metal mining, nonferrous extraction metallurgy or mineral dressing. Applications will be considered for grants towards working expenses, the cos... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The annual Scholarship (value £500/annum), which is restricted to first or second year undergraduates in student membership of the Institute, will be awarded for projects, visits, etc in furtherance of the recipient's career development in the fields... more details
The maximum value of the Fellowship, which is tenable for one year, is £2000. ... more details
Cover the travel expenses, research ( up to £1300). ... more details
Up to £1500 to cover travel expenses, study. ... more details
Normally two scholarships of up to £14000 may be funded for any one year. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Scholarship is awarded annually to a member, not older than 35 years, who is training or has been trained for a career in mining and/or related technologies. ... more details
Each scholarship or fellowship will offer a grant of up to £4,000, and may be used to supplement other awards. Please note that preference is often given to applicants who can demonstrate that a Bicentennial grant will complete a guaranteed funding p... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.