The scholarships enable particularly gifted students, doctoral candidates and junior researchers of German language and literature studies to come to the Institute of German Philology at the Würzburg university for the purpose of education ... more details
The Programme offers working women the opportunity to qualify for professorship by teaching at a Baden Württemberg university of applied sciences, college of art or music or at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). ... more details
The programme sets up paid internships in the fields of sales and marketing, administration, engineering, teaching and IT. Participants broaden their professional knowledge in an international environment, increase their employability and ... more details
Any medical student enrolled at a German institution of higher education is eligible for a scholarship to gain experience abroad, either during a medical traineeship or a research internship. To this end, 350 scholarships are awarded each ... more details
The library awards visiting fellowships to post-doctoral researchers from all areas of historical study from Germany and abroad to promote research projects centred on the library's historical holdings. The collection of books and ... more details
The travel grants are intended to assist young US citizens who write their doctoral theses and wish to access the Herzog August Library for research purposes. The funding is worth up to USD 1,800 and can be combined with a doctoral ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The fellowship is targeted toward higher-education graduates of all disciplines in the United States, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Brazil and India who have an international focus and initial leadership ... more details
International students and post-graduates at Hamburg university are invited to apply for the funding, which is worth up to EUR 650 and will be granted for one year. To be awarded a merit scholarship, applicants must demonstrate good to ... more details
The scholarship programme is geared to students and doctoral candidates of any discipline from Belarus, the Czech Republic and Poland. Candidates are welcome to apply for a study stay or an internship in Germany. Study stays are financed on ... more details
The travel grants are awarded to young academics under the age of 35 and serve to finance research stays of up to two months. Academics are thus given access to archives and libraries necessary to complete their doctoral dissertations, ... more details
The programme is intended for highly qualified scientists and scholars of all disciplines from selected developing or transition countries . The fellowship enables early-career post-doctoral researchers who completed their ... more details
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Candidates are enthusiastic and charismatic junior scientists and scholars from all disciplines with an outstanding record who wish to carry out highly innovative risk-taking research in projects located at the boundaries of established ... more details
The fellowship is intended for doctoral students writing their theses on the history and culture of the German-speaking Jewry. Beyond the financial support the programme offers a platform for academic exchange in the form of regular ... more details
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