Kaduna State Government will provide the award amount of up to $41,000 for students to cover the educational expenses in Nigeria.... more details
Hillsong Africa will provide a full funding for students to complete their education in South Africa.... more details
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology will grant 50% of scholarships for students to complete their master’s degree at the university. ... more details
A college degree is rapidly becoming an essential demand for white-collar jobs. Therefore, the Government of Rwanda and the Government of India are offering The grants program. The program is open for Rwanda students who want to apply for the underg... more details
Getting a degree is always beneficial in career, but it can be difficult with some financial barriers. To cover study expense, the Taita Taveta University is offering the program. The program is open for Kenya students who want to undertake the unde... more details
Empower your skills in Digital Entrepreneurship and Software Development programs by applying for the ICT Scholarships offered by the Inceptor. These opportunities are available for Kenyan students based on interest, passion and talents in technolog... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Take your skills to the next level with the help of Google Developer Africa program. The program is organized by the Pluralsight. The program aims to support talented students to help them become professional developers with skills that can get them... more details
This scheme provides an award of up to £150,000 per year for two years in the first instance, covering: Research Fellow’s salary, up to £45,000 per year. Research expenses Institutional overhead, up to £15,000 per year ... more details
A living allowance of 2,000,000 Won (Korean currency unit) per month. Taxes will be levied in this living allowance according to the Income Tax Law Round-trip aeroplane tickets for fellows only. Your institution pays insurance during your say in Ko... more details
RSIF PhD Scholars will receive the following benefits: The RSIF PhD Scholarship covers university tuition and related fees, a competitive stipend to cover living expenses, travel, medical insurance and research costs. RSIF PhD scholars will be supp... more details
The scholar will also receive a contribution to be used at his or her discretion to cover additional expenses such as books, research, and travel. The contribution is: Masters Tshs. 725,000.00 Postgraduate Diploma Tshs. 725,000.00 Bachelor Degree i... more details
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NRF will provide travel to and from South Africa, a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs, such as accommodation, food and health insurance. ... more details
The Malawi Polytechnic will provide the educational fund for students. There are a limited Number of Awards available. ... more details
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