478 World Scholarship Forum Grants

World Scholarship Forum Grants

We have compiled a list of the popular worlds scholarships for 2022-2023. There are Thousands of Scholarships available but each scholarship is not worth out. There are Some Biggest Scholarship Programs in the world scholarship forum which has high acceptance rate as well as they cover all the Expenses Such as Aairfare Tickets, Books, Meals, Accommodation, Huge Monthly Stipend, Visa Costs, and any other expenses.

These Scholarships are available to Pursue your Bachelors, Masters and PhD Degree Programs. Some world scholarship forum offer Much More than Financial aid. But the One we are talking about most popular scholarships in the world. Means Everyone has an Eye on these world scholarships forum. These Scholarships are open to any student from any part of the world.

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

NIMASA World Maritime Day Essay Competition for Undergraduate Students

1st: N500,000 Education Grant plus a laptop & a plaque + Publication of the winning essay in NIMASA’s magazine, The VOYAGE & the NIMASA website 2nd: N350,000 Education Grant plus a laptop & a plaque 3rd: N250,000 Education Grant... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

UNESCO Clubs Worldwide Youth Multimedia Competition

The three finalists in each age group will receive an official plaque engraved with their name and a certificate. They will have an invitation to UNESCO’s Builders of the Universe Camp held at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, USA. The ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

World Bank McNamara (RSM) Fellowships for Developing Countries

Value of World Bank Robert S. McNamara Award: The RSMFP offers a competitive compensation, totaling $42,750 net of income taxes per fellow for an 8-month fellowship (paid in monthly installments). Since the fellows will be hosted at th... more details

  •  Master
  •  United States
  • $$  Varies

Deutsche Welle (DW) Journalism Masters Scholarships Worldwide

Open to young journalists, media managers, and communications staff who come from developing and transition countries, and particularly from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. However, Germans, EU citizens, Canadians, Americans, and ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Germany
  • $$  Varies

Yunus Centre Social Fiction Design Competition for Students Worldwide

The best Social Fiction Idea will be awarded with USD 10,000 Prize Money Certificate of Recognition for top participants. ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

HiiL Innovating Justice Challenge for Startups Worldwide

HiiL’s Justice Accelerator offers you a 4-month long programme that provides you with: €10,000 non-equity funding. Full training program delivered by industry specialists: business growth, marketing, team &... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

IWMF Neuffer Fellowship for Women Journalists Worldwide

Neuffer Fellows receive a fixed monthly stipend to cover their living costs. The IWMF also arranges and covers the cost of housing in Cambridge and New York City for the fellow. The IWMF purchases round-trip economy airfare from the fellow&rsquo... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  United States
  • $$  Fully Funded

World Food Program (WFP) Innovation Global Challenge

Selected teams will be invited to participate in a fully virtual WFP Innovation Bootcamp in June 2022 for a week. Projects are able to apply for the WFP Sprint Program, a six-month acceleration program with access of up to US$ 100,000 in equity-... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  up to $100,000

One World Media Fellowship For Aspiring Journalists and Filmmakers

£1,000 production grant Executive Producer for your project Career mentorship Workshops and webinars by industry experts Fair Reporting and Security Guidance Introductions to commissioners Network of like-minded Fellows and Alumni ... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

United Nations Graduate Study Programme Worldwide

Participation in the programme is free. The United Nations does not make any financial contribution towards the travel costs and residential expenses of participants. Governments or universities may offer grants to selected candidates. C... more details

  •  Course
  •  Switzerland
  • $$  Varies

WISE Accelerator Program for Edtech Founders Around the World

Community: As part of the program, the selected ventures will: Access a community of over 50 edtech founders from 18 countries who will share their learnings during bootcamps organized in three major cities from around the world including ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.

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Twitter EMEA Public Policy Fellowship, Worldwide

A few things that they value: Exercising empathy, including respect for work/life balance and boundaries. Earning and maintaining trust with each other, as well as key partners. Critical thinking and planning, allowing for effective collaboratio... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

World Bank Group (WBG) Youth Summit Competition

Finalists will have the chance to connect with experts engaged in global solution-solving in the impact space, including both public and private sector leaders across the social, environmental, and economic inclusion landscapes. They will also b... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

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