To intensify German-Chinese research cooperation and improve funding opportunities for young Chinese scientists and academics, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the DAAD have offered a joint programme to support Chinese postdocs since ... more details
Cooperation between the National Committee for scientific and technological Research (CONICYT) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) ... more details
Internships at German universities and research institutions ... more details
Advanced students of engineering spend one semester at a German university and then complete a 4 to 6-month industrial internship ... more details
Teacher training students from the fields of biology and chemistry in the main study stage or a Master's course are welcome to apply for a Kurt Hansen Scholarship. The Foundation primarily finances study projects, internships, summer ... more details
The scholarship programme is geared to students and doctoral candidates of any discipline from Belarus, the Czech Republic and Poland. Candidates are welcome to apply for a study stay or an internship in Germany. Study stays are financed on ... more details
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Any medical student enrolled at a German institution of higher education is eligible for a scholarship to gain experience abroad, either during a medical traineeship or a research internship. To this end, 350 scholarships are awarded each ... more details
The programme sets up paid internships in the fields of sales and marketing, administration, engineering, teaching and IT. Participants broaden their professional knowledge in an international environment, increase their employability and ... more details
The Programme offers working women the opportunity to qualify for professorship by teaching at a Baden Württemberg university of applied sciences, college of art or music or at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). ... more details
The BAföG training assistance provides state funding for pupils and students at vocational and general educational schools, colleges, academies and institutions of higher education, including the compulsory internships related to training ... more details
IAESTE arranges internships for international students of the natural sciences, engineering and agriculture and forestry ... more details
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