**You will receive: ** a gross yearly salary of 33 600 euros. computer equipment and a range of high-quality material. access to a large information centre. a privileged environment and lifestyle in the Sophia Antipolis technopark on the French Rivie... more details
Full Tuition Fees + Annual Allowance of $8,000. ... more details
Program Requirements Visiting Fellows must be available for a full-time affiliation with the Brookings Doha Center, based in Qatar, for 4-6 months. They are expected to be active participants in BDC activities, including but not limited to regularly ... more details
Academic excellence scholarship - £2,000 Country-specific scholarship - £1,500 tuition fee discount Chancellor's Scholarship - 100% full tuition fees Millennium Development Scholarship - 100% full tuition fees Programme specific scholarships Bristol ... more details
300 euros per month for international top-class talent. ... more details
The scholarship of €2,000 is designed to provide access to the archives for scholars, artists, and journalists, and to cover travel to and from Budapest, a modest subsistence, and accommodation for a research period of two months. Scholar... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
As a rule, the term of the research fellowship will be for three months, which may be extended by mutual agreement, based on performance criteria. While the Secretariat can provide visa support, the responsibility for obtaining the necessary residenc... more details
Over 90% of our students receive full scholarships. Scholarships are provided by the Japanese government and international organizations and are allocated through GRIPS. A limited number of GRIPS Fellowships are also available to qualified doctoral s... more details
The DoRa programme activity 5 „ Facilitating international research cooperation by supporting short-term research projects of visiting doctoral students in Estonia “ supports the short-term study and research activities of visiting PhD students in Es... more details
The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The program ... more details
The EU will granted ~ 19 Category A scholarships for Partner Countries Students and ~ 2 Category B scholarships for a Programme Country Student. for the editions 2017, 2018, and 2019 (number of scholarships to be confirmed). The scholarship is a full... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Erasmus+ JMD scholarships are funded by the European Union, to help Joint Master Degree such as LIVE attract the best European and international students. Those are very generous scholarships grants, which can virtually cover all expenses, including ... more details
The Partner country scholarship is close to 47,000 euros in total (i.e. for 2 years). The definite amount will be confirmed once the results are released. This scholarship covers all expenses (ME3 participation cost, housing, transportation and livin... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.