636 Scholarships for Internship in All Countries

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Financing Type:

National Research Foundation international awards, 2020

A living allowance of 2,000,000 Won (Korean currency unit) per month. Taxes will be levied in this living allowance according to the Income Tax Law Round-trip aeroplane tickets for fellows only. Your institution pays insurance during your say in Ko... more details

  •  Fellowship, Internship
  •  Ethiopia
  • $$  2,000,000 Won and other stipends

Jasmine Jiangsu Government funding for International Students at Soochow University, China

It is a fully-funded scholarship that will provide you with the following perks: Registration fee, tuition fee, experiment fee, internship fee, basic textbook fee. The primary textbook fee refers to the materials necessary for the school’s de... more details

  •  Master, PhD, Bachelor, Internship
  •  China
  • $$  Full scholarship and partial award

ICASE PhD Studentship for UK and EU Students at University of Exeter, 2020

The studentships are of value around £110,000, which includes £25,000 towards the research project (travel, consumables, equipment, etc.), tuition fees, and an annual, tax-free stipend of approximately £16,500 per year. ... more details

  •  PhD, Internship, Grant
  •  United Kingdom
  • $$  £110,000

E4D Doctoral Scholarships for Candidates from Low-Income Countries in Switzerland

The funding program will provide the award amount CHF 175’000 for a period of three years. The scholarship period can be extended on a no-cost extension. Out of the program grant, CHF 166’800 is reserved to cover the salary of the E4D Fellow f... more details

  •  PhD, Internship
  •  Switzerland
  • $$  175’000 CHF

The Katoni scholarship - Supporting cultural projects

The Katoni scholarship is given annually to one or more person(s). The amount is DKK 10,000. ... more details

  •  Master, Bachelor, Phd, Internship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  DKK 10,000

Higher Education Commission Asia E University Award in Pakistan

Each successful applicant will receive the full tuition fees, which support your higher study.... more details

  •  Master, Internship
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Full tuition fees

International PhD Position at Maastricht University

We offer a dynamic and challenging job in an internationally-oriented organisation where people receive an advanced education and scholars conduct exciting research. You will be part of an international network of top universities and renowned schola... more details

  •  Phd, Internship
  •  Netherlands
  • $$  € 2.972 per month

Fully-Funded Industrial PhD Scholarship in Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark

The PhD position is a 3-year Industrial PhD project funded by Orifarm A/S and Innovation Fund Denmark. Winner will receive a rewarding and challenging position in a company with an ambition to reach quality in cooperation with people who bring in n... more details

  •  Phd, Internship
  •  Denmark
  • $$  See description below

Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition at Özyein University

Top 5 presentations will be awarded as follows: Best Project Award: Scholarship of 1.250 TL for 5 months and Internship opportunity at Turna.com 1st Runner Award: 2.000 Turkish Lira Turna Points Award and Internship opportunity at Turna.com 2nd Runn... more details

  •  Bachelor, Internship, Contest
  •  Turkey
  • $$  1.250 TL

Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition at Özyein University, Turkey

Top 5 presentations will be awarded as follows: Best Project Award: Scholarship of 1.250 TL for 5 months and Internship opportunity at Turna.com 1st Runner Award: 2.000 Turkish Lira Turna Points Award and Internship opportunity at Turna.com 2nd Run... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor, Internship, Contest
  •  Turkey

CEU Future of Big Data, Morgan Stanley, Women in Tech scholarships

Scholarship recipients can get full or partial tuition waiver and/or paid internships. ... more details

  •  Master, Internship
  •  Hungary
  • $$  Full/partial tuition waivers, paid internships

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IUPUI PhD Research Assistantship

The student will work on a multi-institutional project funded by the Sloan Foundation to investigate climate-smart farming systems conducive to net-zero emission. The student will be involved in field experiments, greenhouse gas analysis and report... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship, Internship
  •  United States
  • $$  Varies

MORA funding for the Academic Session at Government College University Faisalabad in Pakistan 2019-20

Eligible Countries: Muslim students are eligible to apply. Acceptable Course or Subjects: The sponsorship will be awarded to study in Bachelor/Master/MS/M.Phil Program degree offered by the university. Admissible Criteria: These opportunities are av... more details

  •  Bachelor, Diploma, Master, Internship
  •  Pakistan

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