Our overall Grand Prize Winner will receive a trophy and a cash prize of £1000 plus £500 for their school, with one Runner Up will receive a trophy and a cash prize of £500 plus £250 for their school (cash priz... more details
The designer or design team submitting the “best sustainable design” will win $3,000 and other prizes. Two other competition finalists will take home $1,500 each, plus other support. ... more details
Winner: N7,500,000 First runner-up: N5,000,000 Second runner-up: N3,500,000 ... more details
How to start an online business What business can you start online How to use social media to drive website traffic and increase conversions that lead to increased sales Gain a deeper understanding of social media platforms and how to use them to re... more details
The competition offers cash prizes for the best entries: 1st Prize: N80,000 2nd Prize: N50,000 3rd Prize: N30,000 These prizes will be awarded to participants who present thoughtful and insightful ideas on how youth can contribute to nation-buildin... more details
Winner: $20,000 Runner up: $5,000 Crowd favorite: $2,500... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The prizes for the competition are as follows: 1st Place – ?500,000 2nd Place – ?300,000 3rd Place – ?200,000 ... more details
Potential Career Opportunities Real-World Impact Cash prizes: The First Placed team will win: Cash Prize of £10,000! The Second Placed team will win: Cash Prize of £7,500! The Third Placed team will win: C... more details
Prizes for the NCDMB Undergraduate Essay Competition include: 1st Place: N1,000,000. 2nd Place: N700,000. 3rd Place: N500,000. The top 10 National Finalists will each receive a laptop. The winning essay will ... more details
Open to students currently in SS1 or SS2. Students must be enrolled in a recognized secondary school in Lagos. ... more details
Winners will receive a USD 1,500 award, which can be used to enhance their skills, advance their career, or support entrepreneurial ventures. Some winners may also have the opportunity to attend WorldSkills Africa 2025, showcasing their progress. Add... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The winner will receive a prize of US$5,000, and finalists’ travel costs will be covered.... more details
The finalists and winners will be selected by an independent panel of industry experts and experienced development professionals from public and private sector institutions. It is anticipated that at least 1 winner per track will be awarded gran... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.