728 Awarding Contests and Competitions in All Countries

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Financing Type:

Resume Template Design Scholarship

VelvetJobs is offering a $1,000 scholarship to one student who will win the the resume template design and the creative writing contest. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest

700.000 Euros in Tuition Waivers for the Barcelona GSE Masters

Any nationality, age and academic background. Admissions Requirements: Undergraduate/bachelor or equivalent degree from an accredited college or university (for Bologna degrees, a minimum of 180 ECTS are required) Advanced level of English language ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Contest

Dynamic Modelling, System Identification and control of power plant and carbon capture

Full-time UK/EU PhD Scholarships will include fees at the ‘home/EU’ student rate and maintenance (£13,863 in 2014/15) for three years, depending on satisfactory progress. Full-time International Fee PhD Studentships will include full fees at the Inte... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship, Contest
  •  United States

Converting palm oil waste to useful products

Full-time UK/EU PhD Scholarships will include fees at the ‘home/EU’ student rate and maintenance (£13,863 in 2014/15) for three years, depending on satisfactory progress. Full-time International Fee PhD Studentships will include full fees at the Inte... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship, Contest
  •  China

Public Engagement Competition 2015

Grand Prize Full scholarship for a bachelor's degree program at The New School for Public Engagement. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition and mandatory fees for all credits necessary for the student to complete his/her degree. Winner’s certifi... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

Civil Society Leadership Awards for an LL.M programme in Public International Law and Human Rights

Successful applicants will receive the following support for studies at RGSL - tuition and mandatory university fees, monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses, program-related travel, accident and sickness insurance during the progr... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

International MBA Scholarship Challenge 2014

International Master of Business Administration (MBA) Discover your authentic being as a leader, steward, and entrepreneur with a life-changing journey of personal and professional development. Our International MBA is more than just a degree. It is ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

EPSRC Fellowships

Who can apply? Applicants are expected to hold a PhD or have equivalent research experience; however, there are no eligibility rules based on years of post-doctoral experience or whether you hold (or do not hold) a permanent academic position, as thi... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

Institute of Horticulture Aberconway Medal Competition

The winner will receive the Aberconway Medal engraved with his/her name and the prize of £500. ... more details

  •  Fellowship, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

Chancellor`s International Scholarships

For 2015/16 entry there will be 25 Chancellor's International Scholarships available to be awarded to the most outstanding international PhD applicants. Awards made for entry in Autumn 2015 will include both of the following: The full payment of ove... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Fellowship, Contest

Master in Insurance & Risk Management

The Scholarships will cover up to 70% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 22.000,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exc... more details

  •  Master, Contest
  •  United States

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Beasiswa Unggulan (Excellent Scholarship Program)

The scholarship covers: Tuition Fee Research Cost Living Cost Book Cost ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Fellowship, Contest
  •  United States

Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships

The Chancellor’s International Scholarships are allocated annually via a combined postgraduate research scholarship competition and are open to all overseas students in any discipline offered at Warwick. ... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

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