Code Jam T-Shirt: You are eligible to receive one (1) t-shirt if you are one of the 1,000 highest-ranked contestants from Code Jam Round 2. Code Jam Cash Prizes: You are eligible to receive one of the following cash prizes if you advance... more details
The winner(s) would receive an award of one hundred thousand US dollars ($100,000.00). ... more details
First prize: €1,000 Second prize: €500 Third prize: €300 ... more details
There is a US $15,000 prize pool for the top 10 teams with opportunity to speak at the United Nations Climate Summit, COP27, held in Egypt. Participation certificates for all students and become part of a global community on CS Olympiad Discord se... more details
The scholarship program will provide the award amount NZD30,000 stipend + domestic tuition fees with NZD13,000 performance top-up tenure of one year.... more details
Winner – N150,000 1st Runner up – N100,000 2nd Runner up – N50,000. Other Benefits Winners will also get opportunities to intern at Eko Electricity Distribution Plc Each winner gets a plaque. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
There are no costs for attending or nominating at this event.... more details
Entries will compete for the following coveted titles: The overall winner – 2022 Photographer of the Year The first runner-up; The second runner-up; The top highly commendable finalists; For more information about our fabulo... more details
The designer or design team submitting the “best sustainable design” will win $3,000 along with other prizes. Two other competition finalists will take home $1,500 each, plus other support. In addition to the cash prize, the winning f... more details
Finalists will have the chance to connect with experts engaged in global solution-solving in the impact space, including both public and private sector leaders across the social, environmental, and economic inclusion landscapes. They will also b... more details
Students will win prize money. There are ten prizes available, ranging from 15,000 USD to 2,000 USD.... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
For the Final Round, the three teams with the highest scores will be awarded cool Google prizes. Every participant will also get a certificate of qualification to the Final Round and a gift bag. ... more details
£10,000/€11,000* of funding for your start-up business A mentorship package to accelerate your idea Finalist runners-up will receive £1,000 of funding for your start-up business Ticket to the Global One Young World 2022 Tokyo Su... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.