Virtual mentorship and leadership training sessions from ITU and Huawei. Participation in an in-person global training week (location TBC). Up to USD 10,000 grant to implement a digital development project of your choice. All 30 selected fellows wil... more details
Age: You must be at least 20 years old to apply. Academic qualifications: At the time of your application to the internship programme: You are currently enrolled in a graduate programme (Master’s degree, PhD, or equivalent, second univers... more details
Awards of USD $2,000 each are available to ten deserving African graduate students in sciences relevant to plant nutrition and the management of nutrients applied to crops ... more details
Tuition-free; 10 yearly scholarships plus travel grant for applicants from developing countries. In each Postgraduate Diploma Programme, scholarships and travel grants will be awarded to those 10 students selected from developing countries. There ar... more details
Applicants who are eligible and selected for this grant will receive up to half a million Naira to support their business. ... more details
The selected News Corp Media Fellow will have the opportunity to: Contribute to WSJ projects on analyzing audience engagement Lead peer-to-peer discussions Promote an exchange of ideas and knowledge Establish new partnerships and relationships... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
A number of scholarships are available. Scholarships cover: Return ticket Registration and tuition fees Full board and lodging Medical insurance WIPO scholarships are awarded to: government officials and persons working in the public se... more details
The MILEAD Program offers fellows world-class knowledge, skills, values, and support systems crucial for success as 21st-century women leaders. The program will be granted to 25 outstanding young women who have demonstrated leadership potential in t... more details
≥ 51% owned by a woman or, ≥ 20% owned by a woman and have ≥ one woman as CEO/COO (President/Vice President); and have ≥ 30% of the board of directors comprised of women, where a board exists. Between 5 and 300 employee... more details
A scroll describing the recipient’s achievements and/or award A cash prize of USD $10,000. ... more details
Selected fellows will receive stipend for work during the fellowship period. As a Leading Minds Fellow, you will each navigate complex global challenges, propose innovative solutions, and advocate for children's rights. You will engage... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Year-long, remote programme of support £1000 production grant Executive producer for your project Fair Reporting and Security Guidance Industry workshops + webinars Network of like-minded Fellowship alumni ... more details
1st Place: $3000 cash prize All-expense-paid trip to ACGEM headquarters in Accra for a 1-month internship 2nd Place: $2000 cash prize 3rd Place: $1000 cash prize ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.