The maximum value of the Fellowship, which is tenable for one year, is £2000. ... more details
Each Scholarship provides: Student concessionary or other approved airfare to the UnitedKingdom and return on expiry of the Scholarship (the cost of jour -neys made before final award confirmation will not normally bereimbursed, nor can fares be pai... more details
Exchange students International travel costs: €1000 Living allowance : €800 per month (max. 5 months) Insurance: will be sponsored by AON Student Insurance and arranged by Student and Educational Affairs Study Abroad Students Tuition fee: ac... more details
A Rhodes Scholarship covers all University and College fees, a personal stipend and one economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the Scholarship, as well as an economy flight back to the student's home country at the conclusion of the Scholars... more details
University fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the United States and, where applicable, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse. ... more details
It covers for the period granted tuition fees, adequate living expenses and one-way travel. In case of specific programmes the financial coverage will be discussed directly with the candidate ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Full tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses will be covered by the scholarship. ... more details
Scholarships are granted for up to 2 years at top American, European and UK institutions, for funding requirements including tuition fees, up to a maximum of $85,000 or equivalent. In the case of courses longer than 2 years, candidates must be able t... more details
The University of Cambridge will offer, via the Cambridge Trusts, the Cambridge International Scholarships to highest ranked international students undertaking PhD studies at the University. For UK and EU students, the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards is sim... more details
The Chancellor’s International Scholarships are allocated annually via a combined postgraduate research scholarship competition and are open to all overseas students in any discipline offered at Warwick. ... more details
The Westminster University offers full tuition fee scholarships to prospective postgraduate applicants from any country. ... more details
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The Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships, the University’s most prestigious award, is aimed at fully funding a student from a developing country to study a full-time Masters degree at the University. ... more details
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers the Millennium Development Scholarship to international students who wish to help attain Millennium Development goals within their country by pursuing a Postgraduate Degree at the University. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.