6784 Scholarships and Grants in United Kingdom

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PhD scholarships for Security and Crime Research at UCL SECReT

Home/EU level fees for four years ... more details

  •  Phd, Internship
  •  United Kingdom

Graduação - Ciência sem fronteiras

Mensalidade de bolsa; Auxílio-Instalação; Auxílio material didático Passagens aéreas; Seguro Saúde. Os valores podem ser consultados clicando aqui. ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United Kingdom

Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers (Limits of Explanation)

(1) A copy of the PhD diploma in the fields of: philosophy, mathematics, mathematical physics, cosmology, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology, religious studies and related disciplines. (2) Additional PhD, MA, MS, BA, BS diploma... more details

  •  Phd, Grant
  •  United Kingdom

ENS-ICFP Scholarship Program

The scholarship provides a living stipend (up to 10 000 euros/year) and is awarded for one year. It may be renewed once for students following the two-year program depending on their academic achievement. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United Kingdom

Grenoble Institute of Technology Foundation Grants

The grant amounts to 5000 euros per semester (maximum duration 1 or 2 semestres) ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Grant
  •  United Kingdom

RNTC Fellowship Fund

RNTC Fellowships are unlike NFP fellowships PARTIAL: they cover the course fee (up to 50%), not the costs for travel and accommodation. The number of fellowships that RNTC can provide, however, is small. ... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

BU International Partnership Scholarship: Communication University of China

£2,000. Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fee. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  United Kingdom

The Business School Dean’s MBA Scholarship

This scholarship offers a 50% reduction in tuition fees for eligible students. ... more details

  •  course
  •  United Kingdom

The Dean’s Scholarship

Scholarships are paid by a reduction in tuition fee. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  United Kingdom

BU Care Leavers Bursaries

Students will receive £6,000 to support their learning and living costs in their first year at university, and £5,000 in their second and final years of study. Students from elsewhere in the EU will be awarded this bursary as a tuition fee discount t... more details

  •  Master
  •  United Kingdom

Renteloze leningen voor stage of postdoctorale opleiding in het buitenland

De hoogte van de lening is afhankelijk van de ingediende begroting, maar bedraagt nooit meer dan € 6.000. Het bedrag van de lening wordt vastgesteld door het bestuur van het Vreedefonds. Bij het verstrekken van de lening kan het Vreedefonds een aanta... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United Kingdom

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Stichting A.A. van Beek-Fonds

Studerend aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Minimaal 2 jaar ingeschreven. ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United Kingdom

Prix de Paris Prijs

Recent master/doctoraaldiploma; Beheersing van de Franse taal. Criteria voor selectie zijn: Motivatie Academisch niveau Originaliteit en kwaliteit van het onderzoeksvoorstel. NB: Er zal hierbij ook aandacht zijn voor de voordelen die een verblijf ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  United Kingdom

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