6710 Scholarships and Grants in United Kingdom

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Young Horticulturist of the Year: for students from Ireland

The overall winner receives the Percy Thrower Travel Bursary, worth £2,500, provided by the Shropshire Horticultural Society. This funds a horticultural ttip anywhere in the world. There are also prizes at every stage of the competition. Past winners... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United Kingdom

Institute of Horticulture Aberconway Medal Competition

The winner will receive the Aberconway Medal engraved with his/her name and the prize of £500. ... more details

  •  Fellowship, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

PhD Studentships in Science

Studentship will cover Home/EU Fees and pay the Research Council minimum stipend per year for a period of up to 3 years. ... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

STFC and University of Reading funded PhD studentship

WHAT IS IT WORTH This studentship provides Annual stipend for 3 years and tuition fees at UK/EU rate and a stipend It is available (dependent on eligibility) for 3 years ... more details

  •  Phd
  •  United Kingdom

Graduate Institute of Politics and International Studies (GIPIS) PhD Studentships

WHAT IS IT WORTH This scholarship provides tuition fees at Home/EU rate only. Please note that International students (if successful) will be required to pay the difference between Home/EU and International Fees. A total of 2 scholarships are availa... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

School of Law M Res Scholarship

Each scholarship awarded will be worth between £1,000 and £5,000. The amount of the scholarship offered to successful applicants will be communicated to them at the time the award is offered. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

Edith Margaret Elderfield Scholarship

This Scholarship provides full UK Tuition Fees for a British student ... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

Title VIII Research Scholar Program

The total value of Title VIII Research Scholar fellowships, administered by American Councils, ranges from $5,000 to $25,000. Typical awards include: International airfare from the scholar's home city to his/her host city overseas Academic affiliati... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  United Kingdom

Scholarships for Master’s programme in Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management

Altogether 15 applicants will be admitted to this programme. Based on the admission ranking list, 8 best applicants will be offered the tuition-waiver scholarship. Students receiving this scholarship do not have to pay the tuition fee if they complet... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United Kingdom

Scholarships for Master’s programme in EU Russian Studies

Altogether 15 applicants will be admitted to this programme. Based on the admission ranking list, ten best applicants will be offered the tuition-waiver scholarship. Students receiving this scholarship do not have to pay the tuition fee if they compl... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United Kingdom

Scholarships for Master’s programme in Semiotics

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in social sciences, natural sciences or humanities. English Language Requirements International applicants must provide proof of the English language proficiency (BA, MA programmes; intensive Estonian language course o... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United Kingdom

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Scholarship for Malawi, Zambia & Zimbabwe Students to Study Abroad

The extent of a Beit Scholarship Grant is: Fees and costs of tuition and related academic expenses are paid by the Trust direct to the universities. Scholars receive a personal allowance, index linked in accordance with guidance from an independent a... more details

  •  Master, Grant
  •  United Kingdom

Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship

The annual value is up to $60,000 per Scholar (including an annual travel allowance of $20,000) for up to four years ... more details

  •  Phd, Grant
  •  United Kingdom

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