The scholarship offers the following support: A full tuition fee waiver Maintenance for University accommodation and a monthly stipend ... more details
The Master studentships will provide a stipend of £7,000 per annum, payable in monthly instalments. Awardees are responsible for paying their tuition fees, which are not covered as part of this award, to the University. Number of Scholarships: The Sc... more details
The scholarship will cover the following: Accommodation fee waiver £11,400 for each year of study Tuition fee waiver ... more details
Studentship has a value of £14,296 stipend plus a fee waiver at the UK/EU rate. ... more details
These scholarships will cover 20% fee reduction from any tuition fee. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters fees and is non-renewable and only valid for the study of the courses listed above. ... more details
Ten scholarships are available of £3000 per annum towards your tuition fees. Number of Scholarships: There are ten scholarships available. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Two for International and one for Home/EU students, each with a value of £6,000. ... more details
Scholarship has a value of £2,500. ... more details
Scholarships of £6,000 value will be awarded. Number of Scholarships: Up to 15 scholarships will be awarded. ... more details
Scholarship has a value of £1,500. ... more details
3-year UK/EU tuition fees (non-EU/UK students will need to fund the difference in fees), plus stipend (£14,296 for 2016/17) ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
These are fully funded studentships. Number of Scholarships: The University of Nottingham is offering a number of scholarships. ... more details
The Fellow will receive a monthly subsistence allowance of up to £1,750 a month, and will be provided with shared work space and access to research facilities at the School. Assistance will also be provided towards the cost of travel and related expe... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.