The applicant selected to be awarded the bursary will be given £3,000 or 50% of the current tuition fee of the undertaken programme at the University of Warwick.... more details
The University of Manchester will award the winners of the scholarship a 10% reduction in the tuition fees of the undertaken MA Education for a Sustainable Environment.... more details
The university will cover standard UK tuition fees, and a tax-free maintenance allowance will be paid throughout the 48 months.... more details
Acquisition of entrepreneurial skills Increased employability for graduates. ... more details
The University of Glasgow will provide the selected candidate’s Fee waiver (Home/EU fees) for 1 year of full-time study or 2 years of part-time study... more details
Once you complete your program, you will be eligible to join The Room, a powerful global community of the world’s top talent. In The Room, you can build relationships with your next employer, continue your personal and professional development,... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
To be considered for the MBA EEA Excellence Scholarship, applicants are to meet the following criteria: Applicants wishing to undertake the full-time MBA in September 2022 will be considered for the scholarship. Applicants must possess outsta... more details
Short-Term Fellowships are intended to cover subsistence and travel costs for the Fellow only; expenses incurred by dependants are not provided. The daily subsistence allowance amounts to €90 per day. Travel costs will provide for a second-class... more details
The University of Birmingham will provide the award amount of £1500 for applicants in the UK.... more details
St. Mary’s University will provide £14,550 and cover the total tuition fees for the full-time LLM, commencing in September 2022.... more details
Access to the One Young World Summit 2022 in Manchester;Hotel accommodation in a private room between 5 and 8 (inclusive) September 2022;The cost of travel to and from Manchester (economy class);Domestic travel costs to the airport to take the intern... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The successful candidates will receive £2,500 for their studies at the University of Kent in the UK.... more details
Bangor University will provide the successfully selected students Up to 50% International Tuition Fee towards taking part in one postgraduate research part-time and full-time course OR Awards will be made for a maximum of 3 years.... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.