Financial support for research projects. Economic support for the testing of theories in practice. Financial support for projects or dissertations in the education region. To get any research results or other project results shown widely.... more details
The fellowship runs for one year beginning in June, 2022. It pays $50,000 and includes full benefits. ... more details
Africa CDC will provide all learning and development materials and meet all costs associated with the fellowship, including travel, daily allowance and insurance during the residential placements. Fellows will be supported to ensure that they have... more details
IBM will pay the winners a lump sum towards travel expenses As well as compensation that covers adequately the cost of living in Switzerland, Kenya, or South Africa, respectively. IBM will also obtain the necessary visa and work permits for the s... more details
If your idea is selected by Lab Members, you will work with a team of analysts, key stakeholders, and experts to: Develop or refine the mechanics of your idea Survey comparable instruments, ensuring the final instrument is innovative and impactfu... more details
Winners of the competition will receive cash prizes as below: First place will receive a cash prize of $5,000 Second place will receive a cash prize of $4,000 Third place winner will receive a cash prize of $3,000 All the members of the Top 10 ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Contribution to the travel and installation costs Contribution to subsistence costs Duration of Programme: Degree Program: 2 years Visiting Scholars: 1-3 months ... more details
£4,000 of free learning from FutureLearn and The Open University. £1,000 that you can use towards home study, specialist learning tools, or equipment. 8 hours of world-class mentorship and coaching from leading industry exper... more details
The funds granted will be up to $60,000 USD and are intended to support the advancement of the professor’s research. ... more details
A $4,000 scholarship is offered annually. ... more details
The challenge welcomes solutions from young innovators that either: Create equal access to opportunities for women for all social and economic backgrounds. Create an inclusive culture and environment for disabled women and women who are older... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Maximum scholarship is $3,000 USD. Tuition and fees Books and materials Room rent and meals ... more details
Selected students will receive a 7,000 EUR award (or local equivalent) The scholarship award must be spent on tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for the students’ classes at their primary university ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.