The finalists and winners will be selected by an independent panel of industry experts and experienced development professionals from public and private sector institutions. It is anticipated that at least 1 winner per track will be awarded grant pri... more details
At least six research grants, that will range from $5,000 to $10,000 USD, will be made. Final selection of applicants and grants amounts are at the discretion of the Mozilla staff. ... more details
Why Participate? It’s a golden opportunity to delve deep and explore the profound theme: “The Importance of Identity to Me, You and All” or “What Identity Means to Me”. Whether you’re into weaving words, spinning p... more details
The most that can be awarded as a fellowship is $10,000 USD. The ITTO Fellowships covers the cost of tuition, training, conferences, transportation, daily subsistence, book, and other allowances. Only a portion of the tuition or a minor research gra... more details
You’ll go from testing key assumptions about your business one week to professional stage training the next. You’ll constantly be challenged in what you do and how you do it. During the program, you’ll be presented with ideas, opin... more details
Borealis AI will grant you unique access to massive structured and unstructured datasets with the tools and resources necessary to build game-changing statistical models. Being part of our team means you’ll have the opportunity to publish orig... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Objectives The Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture (SCALA) Private Sector Engagement Facility (PSEF) is launched by the program to foster stronger partnerships and dialogue between the public and private sectors through demand-le... more details
Their mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation by strengthening the income-generating capacity of commodity producers and mitigating vulnerability to their economic well-being. And their Vision is to strengthen and diversify the commodity sect... more details
Prizes will be awarded as follows: N1,000,000 for 1st place, N700,000 for 2nd place, N500,000 for 3rd and All top 10 national finalists shall each receive a laptop The winning essay will be published in the NCDMB’s in-house magazine, Loca... more details
We are pleased to offer two types of travel support: Full Support: This comprehensive support package includes travel, accommodation, and local transportation. Partial Support: This support package covers either travel or accommodation. ... more details
This year, the best designs will be turned into t-shirts by our partner UNIQLO. They will be publicized and sold in selected UNIQLO stores (including online stores worldwide and any other channels decided by UNIQLO and UNHCR) to support displaced pe... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
A stipend is available to interns who do not get financial assistance from a third party (such as an academic institution, university, or government) to help with living costs. The stipend is determined by the intern’s agreed-upon place of empl... more details
Minimum of 2 to Maximum of 5 top startups will be awarded between 100,000 GBP to 300,000 GBP grant to further strengthen their startup innovation and allow them to scale.... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.