A Wellcome Early-Career Award provides a salary for the grantholder and up to £400,000 for research expenses. If you are eligible to request overheads or overseas allowances, we won't count these against the £400,000 limit for researc... more details
The Center offers a stipend of $90,000 for a nine-month fellowship. Fellows are responsible for their own health insurance and travel expenses. ... more details
The program is divided in two phases: Acceleration program | 3 months | grant up to 6k € Integration project (optional) | up to 12 months | up to 40k € ... more details
Mozilla is providing grants from $5,000 to $10,000 USD to individuals and organizations studying the impact of AI on communities in Eastern and Southern Africa... more details
Through weekly virtual plenary and scheduled one-on-one mentoring sessions, you’ll receive insights, valuable feedback, and advice on everything from customer acquisition to fundraising and product development, while gaining valuable insights i... more details
Mentees A community of like-minded and ambitious young professionals Invaluable insights from seasoned industry professionals (CAC40 companies and agencies) A greater understanding of the different career fields in communications Clarity on what car... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Women in Clean Cooking” (WICC) mentorship programme will support women in the clean cooking sector, offering benefits that include: Gaining experience from seasoned professionals in the energy sector. Obtaining career-enhancing activitie... more details
Strategic thinking skills Enhances your personal, people and organisational leadership skills Improves your ability to translate ideas into tangible results Helps you become a great communicator who can inspire change Sharpens your change leade... more details
Gain knowledge in Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills and Financial Literacy. Get a Certificate in each program: Digital Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills and Financial Literacy (participants need to attend at least 60% of the training courses per p... more details
Up to a total of £30,000 for Tuition and living expenses ... more details
Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid monthly over the course of twelve months. At the discretion of the Foundation, Scholars writing non-fiction may receive a grant of up to £27,000, paid over a period &nbs... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Fellowship programme will cover expenses related to travel and medical insurance for the fellow only (no entitlements applicable for dependents/family). Each fellow will receive a monthly stipend to cover accommodation and basic living costs at t... more details
The living allowance for the traineeships sessions will be €1 252,68 per month. Visa costs and related medical fees may be reimbursed together with the travel expenditures. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.