Artist or cultural worker of any contemporary artistic or cultural discipline(individual or representing a cultural or artistic independent organisation) based in Europe or in its neighbourhood. ECF prioritises support for up-and-coming artists and c... more details
You may receive an Erasmus+ grant as a contribution to your travel and subsistence costs. It may vary according to differences in living costs between your country and the destination country, the number of students applying for a grant, the distance... more details
Grant Amounts: Travel grants do not exceed $3,000, but typically range from $500-$1,000. Grant amounts take into account the costs of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference or research expenses. Other sources of funding are al... more details
CNR does therefore finance short - term stays of 21 days of Italian researchers and 10 days of foreign researchers engaged in international research projects of mutual interest. ... more details
The winner of the scholarship will receive a monthly scholarship of 500 Euro during a 12-month period. That way, you will have more time to take care of your child. ... more details
IFUW fellowships and grants are open free of charge to women PhD candidates only who are members of IFUW. IFUW fellowships and grants are open to non-member PhD candidates only providing they pay an administration fee of CHF 50 for women in developin... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The minimum budget for a global grant activity is $30,000. The Foundation’s World Fund provides a minimum of $15,000 and maximum of $200,000. Clubs and districts contribute District Designated Funds (DDF) and/or cash contributions that the World Fund... more details
Duration of support Short-Term Fellowships are intended for visits of 1 week up to 3 months. Travel costs and stipend The fellowships cover travel plus subsistence of the fellow but not of any dependents. The subsistence rate depends on the country b... more details
Fellowships may be awarded for a period of up to 24 months*, depending on a positive interim request from the host supervisor. It is possible to apply when the applicant has already started at the receiving institute. However, the maximum time for a ... more details
Scholarships are awarded for a period of one to three months. The amount of the grant is 1,000 euro monthly. The scholarship holder is responsible for travel and accommodation expenses. ... more details
The Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) along with its history has been accomplishing its Mission and Social Responsibility that help a lot of people to access educational programs trough the FUNIBER FORMATION SCHOLARSHIPS. These scholar... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Awards are open to women in all countries and range from $500.00 to $1000.00 USD. Applications covering a wide variety of needs and projects are encouraged, such as: Small amount to help with studies, job transfers or other transitions in life. A bro... more details
The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship includes: A $10,000 award paid once. A Creative Cloud subscription membership for one year. An Adobe Research mentor. An internship opportunity at Adobe for the 2017 summer. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.