Capacity Building: The program is a springboard for participants to pivot their capacity in areas like collective leadership, transformative impact, and systemic design. Through stimulating thematic contributions, peer exchange, subject matter ... more details
Innovation projects selected through the Facility can receive funding between USD 50,000 and USD 80,000. Maximum duration for each project is 12 months. In addition to the funding, the IOM Innovation Facility offers an ecosystem of services thro... more details
The scholarship provides a fee discount of £4,000 for each year of study, excluding sandwich years for undergraduates. For postgraduate-taught programs, the discount is applied proportionately based on program length.... more details
Eligibility criteria for the UNICEF UNV Youth on the Move Programme: Age limit between 20 to 32 years Refugees, asylum seekers, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), and migrants Young people who face barriers in accessing learning-to-earni... more details
UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly. ... more details
Undergraduate Scholarship benefits: You could benefit from the UdeM exemption scholarship if you are admitted to a degree program, namely a bachelor's degree. The excellence of your academic record is the only evaluation criterion to determine th... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Participants in the EP will apply their studies and research to policy work that impacts our 189 member countries and join a team of staff working to address the key global economic challenges. You will travel to countries where you will work closel... more details
The NewNow leaders will be offered: A place at the One Young World Summit Munich, 2025 Features on One Young World and Virgin Unite channels elevating their profiles among the global community for young leaders and beyond hHgh profile media an... more details
Projects could support civil society to engage meaningfully with government on: Advancing a legal and regulatory environment that protects and upholds freedom of expression for all. Advancing a legal and regulatory environment that promotes th... more details
This program brings the opportunity to: Join a network of knowledgeable Internet leaders who continue to develop their skills and competencies, actively support Internet Society’s mission, and advocate for protecting the Internet. Deepen your ... more details
1st Prize: $500 2nd Prize: $400 3rd Prize: $300 ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Application Eligibility Will you be 18 years or older by the time you begin the Fellowship? Echoing Green Fellowship applicants must be 18 years or older by June 1, 2025. Are you able to communicate proficiently in English? To be eligible for th... more details
The scholarship covers full tuition for Udacity's Nanodegree program. At each stage you will gain AI knowledge and receive coaching from professionals. The program is designed to help anyone get started with Machine Learning (ML) with no pri... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.