An NFP fellowship is intended to supplement the salary that the fellow should continue to receive during the study period. The allowance is a contribution towards the costs of living, the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel, insurance and thesis res... more details
A scholarship of £5,000 towards the cost of tuition fee for an MSc Strategic Management in the Global Environment student. ... more details
A scholarship of £4,000 to be set against fees. ... more details
Full tuition fee scholarshipon the MSc Economics course ... more details
Scholarships of up to £4,500 towards fees for students on MSc Actuarial Finance ... more details
A scholarship of £5,000 towards the cost of tuition fee for a MSc Global Innovation Management student. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
A scholarship of £5,000 towards the cost of tuition fees for an MSc Business Analytics and Decision Science student. ... more details
A scholarship of £5,000 towards the cost of tuition fees. ... more details
These scholarships are for up to each of 3 years of a research programme subject to satisfactory progress. Tuition fees to be covered by The University of Nottingham. Stipend – amount to be confirmed – to be covered by the China Scholarship Council.... more details
You can apply for this scholarship if you: are a citizen and permanent resident of Brazil at the time of application AND are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes AND are not currently working or studying abroad AND already hold an offer t... more details
The University is offering up to 50 full tuition fee scholarships. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
These Scholarships cover full tuition fees as well as tax-free living expenses of £14,069 per year (estimated ESRC rate for 2014-15) ... more details
The scholarship consists of a full tuition waiver (worth EUR 28,000). ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.