6011 Scholarships and Grants in North America

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Financing Type:

Research Fellow (Theoretical Quantum Optics)

Research The successful candidate is expected to have deep understanding of the basics of theoreticalquantum optics. They are expected to be familiar with the principles and phenomena ofcavity quantum electrodynamics.Previous experience with many-bod... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  United States

Aerospace MSc Bursary Scheme

The Aerospace MSc Bursary Scheme aims to:Generate more aerospace MSc qualified professionals with high level skills who will work in the sector; and toUp-skill the existing UK aerospace workforce and reinforce the supply of skilled people with knowle... more details

  •  Master
  •  United States

Short Term Scholarships: for students from Portugal

The amount to be paid by the Foundation will take into account the duration of the scholarship and the country where the course or training period take place. Travel expenses (return ticket) between the scholarship holder’s permanent place of residen... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United States

Clyde Higgs Scholarships

four new CLYDE HIGGS SCHOLARSHIPS, each worth £7,500 ... more details

  •  course
  •  United States

Japan-Stipendien programme: for students from Japan

Aufnahme in die Studienstiftung zwei Sprachkurse in Deutschland und Japan Stipendium für 24 Monate, monatlich 750 Zusätzlich Japanzuschlag für 12 Monate, monatlich 650 Reisekostenpauschale für Japan, einmalig 1.500 Mobilitätspauschale für Visakosten... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United States

Intra-Visegrad Scholarships: for students from Slovakia

Successful appli­cants within this scheme will receive schol­ar­ships of EUR2,300/semester and the cor­re­spond­ing host universities/institutes receive EUR1,500/semester/scholar. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United States

BUTEX: Student Scholarships: for students from Canada/USA who want to study in UK

The value of each scholarship is £500 and will be paid to the winners once they have arrived and registered at their host university. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Grant
  •  United States

Long-Term and Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships: for worldwide students

Financial support, depending on the country in which research is conducted (in Germany: between 40,200.00 and 43,800.00 EUR per year). Family allowances Material, travel and book allowance Health insurance Language course ... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  United States

DUO-Singapore Fellowship Program: for students from Singapore

Each selected undergraduate student will be awarded € 4,000 for one semester or one year of exchange. This will partially subsidise the cost of airfare, accommodation, living expenses, etc. This award carries no obligatory bond period. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Fellowship
  •  United States

UrFU Silver International Scholarship Program

New international students applying to Bachelor and Master Programs offered by Ural Federal University International students currently studying at Ural Federal University International students who have been selected to participate at UrFU Scholarsh... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Canada

Jo Carby-Hall Poland Scholarship

The following scholarship is available: £3,500 towards the tuition fees for a full-time or part-time postgraduate taught programme (MA; MSc; MPhil; MRes). or £3,500 per annum, renewable for three years, depending on satisfactory progress, for a fu... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  United States

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The Lars Eriksson Scholarship

The Lars Eriksson Scholarshipis funded through a generous donation made by Chalmers alumnus Lars Eriksson. It will be awarded as a 100% tuition fee waiver in 2015 to an applicant from Latin America. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  United States

Postgraduate Scholarship

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must meet the following criteria. You must hold an offer of a place to study and begin your postgraduate taught Masters programme in September 2015. You must be classified as a Home/EU student for tuition fee pu... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  United States

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